Intimidated by Oil Paints? 5 Reasons Not to be Hesitant

in #artlast year


oil painting of 3 dandelions
Bold little flowers
Oil paints need no introduction; they have been used in many celebrated paintings by �the masters�. It may be this status as the medium of the masters that causes them to be regarded with such reverence that they feel just out of the grasp of the beginner painter. But they are just a medium and I want to show how you can overcome that initial barrier. Because oil paints are a lot of fun ;)[br][br]

1. Be Prepared for Oil Painting

Like most things oil painting has a lot of things you can learn about but also like most things it is possible to start simply. The first things you�ll need are some oil paints, brushes and something to paint on. I would recommend getting some good quality student paints in the basic colours rather than a huge selection of colours. Half the fun of painting is in mixing your own colours and here is a link to some oil paints on sale on Amazon that would be a good starting place. If you don�t want to start painting on canvasses or panels just yet you can start out on canvas paper for