#Dinggsda portfolio

in #art3 years ago

Hello dear @nftshowroom .
Yes I tryed to become approved for minting my image datasets before, and felt deeply missunderstood.
Maybe it was because the auditorian just overviewed my instagram, and looked at thousands of stone statues.
Hihi , a very interesting idea concerning absolutely unique datasets , hihi. But it was not my intention to mint unrebuildable statues, my focus lies on my blog on the #CHAINZ.
I thought the auditorian would look upon my blog on #HIVE or even click the portfolio link in @peakd frontend .

Lets assume the auditorian did do looking at theese and still considered @udabeu ´s approval as too photographic .

But there are several artistic works done by me the artistician.
Editing the "original" photographic image datasetblabla.
The artistician finds "something" #INSIDE the data and trys to express it in a way #it hopes the perception of other viewing persons could catch also .
Mostly there is a hint, zwo words , or a little story attached to the image data making it still easier to catch up with "my" vision .
Yes and it is done by changing the image data completely.
Maybe this is a point, the released dataset is completely different to the original data ?
Hmmm , the artistic work begins at the beach , wenn the artistician looks for beach fairies ?
Then he has and works out the released product completely digital.
No I do not think the "photographic" argument fits any more, does it ?

So I put together a spread of possible candidates for NFTisation in this post.
As such all title images of @udabeu ´s posts tend to be pearlish, and a click onto the portfolio link will reveal the standard model for possible NFTisations.
I did not provide more than one "story" in this portfolio post, but some "names".
To add a little story makes the product a little more exclusive and artistic, ai ?

I think its worth a try approving my artisticiance on @nftshowroom .

.. #Zuengelndes #Schlaengelein ..

.. #Rote #Kutsche ..
.. #Redchaise ..

.. #Niedliches #Dingsie ..

Schaut, endlich mal wieder eine richtig nette TangStrandFee.
Was hat sie da nur aufgelesen ?
Es scheint etwas Lebendiges zu sein, und dazu auch noch klein und jung ?
Der liebevolle Blick der StrandFee legt dieses nahe.
Es ist, als ob sie es nach der Betrachtung wieder zurück zu legen gedenkt in seine natürliche Umgebung .
Ob es wohl davon hüpfen wird ?
Cutey thingi ..

Look, finally a really nice tangstrandfairy.
What is she just looking at ?
It seems to be a little life, and also small and young ?
The loving look of the beachfairy suggests this.
It is as if they intend to reflect,
after the consideration in his natural environment.
Whether it will bounce it?