Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #529 'Fluffy Breeze'

in #art5 years ago

'Fluffy Breeze'

A double exposure mixing linear elements with strong colour yellow lights. Fluffy, glittery and above all - happy. :)

Enjoy! :)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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good photography

A beautiful photograph. It mixes so many elements that it gets confused. It seems to me a scalp beating it to the wind and enjoying the good things of life, a happy person. The sepia tone seems beautiful and warm to me. A hug, @velimir.

I found this photo strange; perhaps there is its appeal. A movement of filaments (I don't know what from) in the wind clouds the view of those lit light bulbs, whose light passes almost ghostly through that space in shadows. Eye-catching photo, @velimir!

It's a good way to see the breeze pass, @velimir! The white tone gives a feeling of cold. Christmas is gone and with it the lights are lost as in a dream and remain in the mists. Maybe looking through long hair is like looking through the window. Have a good weekend!

That picture is indeed amazing!

very nice expresa mucha tranquilidad visual

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