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RE: Pawn of the Neví Cover Art, part 2 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial

in #art5 years ago

Ah! I bet you can solve a riddle for me then... are you on Discord? (nvm, I see you've found me. :-) )

Several products that I have downloaded and tested don't work - not because the files aren't there but because something's gone wrong in the directing the product to the files. I've put those in the "don't work yet" folder because I have a suspicion that I might be able to fix it, but I don't know how yet.

I do recommend Draft2Digital for self-publishing. They are (supposedly) going to be rolling out paper publication soon as well, though for now it's just epublishing.

Sounds like you're having fun with your cards. It's given me an idea for creating a new oracle set of cards as well. (I'm currently working on a set, but have been mostly using GIMP for them.)