BLOCKTOWN [Official Launch] : A Game for Collaborative Art and City Building

in #art7 years ago (edited)


BLOCKTOWN is a community art project powered through your comments and engagement. It’s an experimental game of city-making, a digital Madurodam. With each post, a new layer of buildings will be added to the Town. Your photographs, quotes, stories and feedback are the raw materials that drive construction for each new layer.


How to Play

Each building and landscape element of BLOCKTOWN will be derived directly from your comments. Photographs, quotes and stories will inspire their own design logic and manifest themselves as 3D characters within the Town. Beginning this week, new buildings will be added to the Town with every new post.

Commenting with an image or a story isn’t the only way to play! Your critique is also important... Steemit commenters can contribute ideas for future growth, renovation, or even petition for a deconstruction. (Maybe more on that down the road.) For now, there’s a lot of room for future growth. As the Town matures we will be making / polling community decisions on zoning, infrastructure, preservation, public and private uses. BLOCKTOWN will be treated as a living, breathing art-project within a digital canvas, always subject to change.

Here's a walkthrough of how your 2D images become 3D buildings...


Map for the BLOCKTOWN Neighborhood

QR's are like maps within the cryptocurrency world. It seemed only fitting that the Master Plan for Steemit's BLOCKTOWN be derived from one. With each week - the QR outline will be populated with roadways, parks, buildings and skyscrapers. Here, the address from above links to


Coming soon...

Later this week I'll be opening up the canvas for other 3D artists to play with. Currently, I'm completing a 3D kit of parts (building pieces) for other modelers to download / create their own building to add in! Stay tuned.

An Experiment in Building Community

Through this project - I hope to engage in a broader dialogue with fellow Steemians about their own sense of place and placemaking. These types of game-structured conversations are a fascinating way of learning more about what a person defines as his or her “community.” It’s a way of connecting to one another through the geographies we are deeply tied to and knowledgeable of. In a world of links, likes, upvotes and IP addresses, it’s exciting to find ways of bridging the digital divide and connecting with those on the other side of the screen.

Let's get building!

- Share an image or idea below to get started -


All content is CC BY • Creative Commons



Very creative ideas here! I can't wait to see the whole town.

Hi @voronoi!
Does this kind of photo work or you want only 1 building?

This is perfect @osm0sis! Thanks so much for your BLOCKTOWN idea. Where is this chapel(?) from?

This is a 12th century private chapel which belongs to the castle located in a village called Bresse-sur Grosne in Burgundy, France.
If you need more let me know! Happy to help 🎵build this city 🎵

(I just had to)

LOL. Yes! 🎵 🎵 🎵

Amsterdam is one of my favorite urban areas. Like Venice, it is built upon the determination of people who wouldn't accept natural limitations.

As a result of building on re-claimed land, structures are modest in height. There is little wasted space. Like the Dutch people themselves, the windows are open and inviting -- it's a city with many quaint neighborhoods, and the building have their own special charm.

The large windows, in addition to giving the rooms a feeling of space, also allow furniture to be delivered by hoisting it up to the windows ;-)

Looks somewhat familiar

Beautiful @roused. Amsterdam has some of the most charming and charismatic buildings I've seen. We absolutely need 'em in BLOCKTOWN :D

Not quite sure how the comments become structures, but this town needs a town hall with a nice bell tower.

Perfect @steevc :) I couldn't agree more. We need a town hall and a nice loud bell!

This is such an outstanding idea.


It's a building from my city, Oradea, Romania. I took this picture, feel free to add it to the project. :D

This is awesome! Beautiful architecture... I'll try to do it justice. Thanks @guyfawkes4-20 :)

I know, right? Now imagine that the whole city looks just like that. Good luck. ;)

Here is a picture from a photographer in #teammalaysia called @anthonywong . Portrays one of the best shots I've seen on Kuala Lumpur Petronas Twin Towers

Amazing entry @bitrocker2020! We need some beautiful Kuala Lumpur inspired towers in the 'Town. :)

Petition for Dictatorship, Issued December 11 2017



All in favor, please sign below.

LOL Matt. Amazing, careful what you wish for hahaha... I'll see how this might translate into something 3D...

Agreed! Matt is the new King now. :D

Now give me my 20SBD for making this comment as you promised.

As the potential future King of Blocktown, I hereby declare that Guy Fawkes 4-20 shall receive no SBDs. 😈😈

Oh, dang! I knew it! You tricked me well here.

Haha good stuff!

Haha 😜
Hear hear!

Amazing project!


Can this abandoned building be included?

Definitely!! Thanks @yoganarchista, great photo!

YESSS love the kit of parts collection! Can't wait to see this town grow.

Thanks @erb! Let's get modeling! I'll be uploading the kit of parts collection to github soon so that other designers can create their own parts + add their own buildings to the town. Much more to come :)

Will the town look like one in minecraft?

These are some ruins in Cyprus. Maybe it could work?

Hi @veenox, thanks for the fantastic image submission! Here's your ruins modeled in BlockTown :

Great idea!
What about this small train station in Warsaw (Poland)? It has a very iconic roof shape.

This is really cool!! Excited to see how this game develops

Or another idea - this time from Copenhagen (Denmark) - VM Houses and Mountain Dwellings by BIG

Yes! I love this project

I also like it very much

@curiosit! Thanks for the fantastic image submission, here's a post inspired by your image:

BIG is my favorite!.

Whats better than a non green roof?

  • A very green roof

This is all so exciting to me I cant think of any great examples atm.

Oh heres one!

The trash collector in the Baltimore Harbor - a big frog looking thing that skims the water in the harbor to remove trash, it has eyes on each side and everyone loves it!

thats creative art one..i think that

you will great artist one day..i appreciate to your content.. thanks for sharing...

Well thanks! If you'd like to see a building of your own within BLOCKTOWN - share an image of a building or place that inspires you. Each post will include new development!

wow really..i will try this..

can't wait till then keep steeming on :D

What a great project! Can't decide what to add first ;-)
Maybe a retreat area like this island:

Ah! Great @shortcut, we need a retreat!

Wow this is perfect @voronoi ! I love playing minecraft, I would definitely love this as well! Resteemed!

Haha it's a bit like a steemcraft ;)

Thanks for your support!

following @steevc's suggestion, I'd like to add this bell tower:


I love this tower in Venice, beautiful idea!

Wow this is going to be huge. Just the very first pic is very inviting :)
Hope you get enough people for the 3d part.
The buildings already posted here are great.
Here is a picture of real blocks in a beautiful turquoise sea... Maybe it can be used somehow ?
blocks spain.jpg

Or this simple chapel also from Spain.


And lastly (won't spam anymore ;) ) what about a simple nice statue ? statue1.jpg

This is super interesting! Thanks for sharing! I'll think of a way...


Some pictures from Montreal, Canada. This place was amazing :) I'll send a few more that I have from my travels.

Another innovative and interesting idea; I'll give it some thought, and hopefully think up a good contribution :-)


Hey thanks @cryptogee! Thought I'd power up this project again... should be fun! :)

awesome idea this is lets build it

This is great @voronoi. How to play...

i support this initiative @voronoi , the idea is great , building structure, parks , skycrapers, it's really great

how about Steemit building hub, cafes, restaurant that pays btc/sbd? hehe :D

i'm so excited to see the whole picture

Simply great.

The town needs a bakery and cake shop.

Wow this is just great idea... what software are you using ?

Pretty solid... I'll get a building uploaded here tomorrow. Pretty late at night now.

Hi @voronoi...
I am still confused what to put the picture. It may be in the input and list. Historic site of the city of Bogor. Inscription Stone.



The Roman Colosseum

Please be the one to finish it!