The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago (edited)

Digital art made by @xpilar

fjell natur.2 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you write a good story from my photos, you may get
a good upvote from me and my friends

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There are time in the life of human beings when situation might call it raw with anyone! Thanks for your digital art design.

There was three brilliant children who always comes together when they are on free period while in the school! When they gathering together they do ask themselves; what do you want to be in life? The First boy - A said he wants to be a risk taker, Boy 2 - B say's he wants to do business of buy and selling and the third boy- C says I don't want to be a risk taker neither business man but he want to engineer to construct bridges and build a modern house for people.

Few years later, they already done with the secondary education, this Boy -A risk taker always enjoying spending his money on gambling and pools not long be won big money from gambling , the rest of the friends B and C were thinking otherwise they should had chosen the same career. Before year run out this boy A got a serious problem between this boy B advice him to go with him to other city and investment his money on bussinss, but he wouldn't change his mind, he continues with his gambling he later lose hugely and back to √0, others two friends pity him but their pity couldn't bring back the money that was been waited on gambling.

Boy-B continue working hard towards his career in life, the little capital he started with continue to grow bigger and higher, market survey and properly plan make more success rate than before! Boy--C become a professional engineer working for a popular construction company witha very nice remuneration, he survives many works successfully and he became a very popular man!

During a festival season! The three boys (A,B & C ) of yesterday become a man now, they locate each other as they usually does in the past! When they are telling each other's about their success, only Gambler boy couldn't recorded new success, they were on their discuss a old man came around; they honor and welcome him to their gathering as well, this old man asked them if anyone of them heard, or read a story about about "A mountain top" none of them has never read or heard about this story; he told them the story is simple and straight but difficult to obey! They asked old man why? He told them in life when you clamps a mountain always remember there are more mountain still needed to be clamp, meaning that, the one who among you with no success will overcome his trial time, he just clamping his own mountain, every of you will clamp it as well, it is better you join hands together to clamp it, so when it's someone else time too to clamp the mountains of life they could together and their journey will be more real, energetic and successful; they appreciate his advices!

Few days later, they gather again and started meditate on old man story " Boy B and Boy C helps Boy -A back on track; that is how Boy -A picking new life back, he combined business with his ideal of gambling; follow Year Boy-A the gambler become rich and famous...

The next festival season gathering; they started as usual Boy -A records success second to Boy-C things were not moving well or Boy-C it was gambler boy (Boy-A ) that gave him some clues and ideal!

Unfortunately, year fellow, during the festival season B-C lost his job! It was Gambler (boy a and boy B) welcome him warming, strengthen him and introduce him to business class; following year things were not that much okay for Boy C but second year everything changes to better, he begin to travel abroad for bussinss; Boy C later became the richest among them. In life challenges of life is evitable, everyone should prepare by helping others too, Cox no one knows what tomorrow will bring. I will take this time to thank you Snr. @xpilar for your support for many here on Steemit, God will continue to watch over you and continue to bless you. Thanks for share your great work.


Hi @davidad

Thank you for your thoughts and there is a good deep sense in your

You are welcome Snr. @xpilar... Glad you enjoyed the story!!!.

Great job of imagination

The scenario should be thought before you begin to compose the story, so that it is written in only one or two sentences, along with being full of motion and interesting. For example, the initial scenario in Gabrielle Garcia Marquez's The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World : The lifestyle of an entire village changes with the discovery of a mysterious, handsome man drowning on the beach, and from here the writer can draw the reader to read his story with interest. [1] Find the scenario for your story

Select the hero of the story

After writing the script should ignore the feelings of the writer whether good calling him pride or not good, because it has nothing to do with the quality of the story or its failure, and in the next step should the writer read the full story to find the protagonist, although the hero has Is known first to the writer but after reading the story may change the idea and change the hero, the hero is not necessarily the narrator of the story, or the good man who helps others, but is the person who makes the decisions that will push the story forward. ]

Follow the traditional story structure

The story structure, the conflict, the escalating events, the climax of the story, and the conclusion must be followed. It is also necessary to look at the beginning and the end as this is the most necessary and important part, and to ensure that the first and last lines of the article are The strongest in the story. [3]

Make sure the end is convincing

The end of the story must be persuasive, non-contrived, smooth. The reader does not feel the end of the story is real, carries meaning and meaning to life. Endings do not need to be limited to tears, hugging and other influences such as lights

Hi @frankhood

Thank you for your thoughts on how to build a story


beautifull art @xpilar

Every day ... sit in the same place, that shabby sofa, prepare the seconds that emanate from the wall clock that beats my head like the alarm, and as the seconds increase, the remaining seconds of life will be reduced with me, and any life is not at the age of eighty. ! Look around me to bring back the deadly daily routine to find that cat with fewer teeth than the rest of my teeth to realize that it needs more death than I need, those curtains, oh those curtains, if I could tear up the rest of its worn threads to see that outside world through that window Shattered, but who argue?! How can I see the sunlight from those huge factories that filled the area, and how can I breathe after it has become the filtered lungs of those black fumes that I no longer know are fumes? Or pull thunder. I never looked like I was looking out of the window to see all those vast orchards and play from morning to evening without fatigue. One day, time will take from me all my childhood happiness and turn it into stones and iron piles producing all these toxins, They say it's factories! The plants that make only the smoke and the waste that I think one day it will become a beast eating the old ones who have no life in them any human being speaks to them ... Yes, without shame, I mean myself! And how the youth to pass and the ages are as old as I have been and washed away with my husband, whom I did not know before the meaning of being the most beautiful woman in the world, because there was no women in his world other than me, ah if time or come forward to go to another life in which he gave even one moment I remember all The days of that year that we lived together before he died in front of that damned truck, yes I still remember it ... A rusty blue driven by a drunken young man running away from a man who almost killed him with a rifle for stealing his rusty truck. Make my seventy-six days beyond hell unbearable. What's that sound ?! Do you know? I forgot that voice as if it were a scan of my imagination, a moment please, visitor, I told him to arrange the place that had passed seven decades and I did not open the door to a visitor, except the boy who has the bike now and I see the qualities of his grandson in it. Life is hungry. I said with great enthusiasm: "You prefer, my son." He opened the door with his loud, dusty entrance, and I did not know that that moment would be the last moment of my life.

Hi @simonblake

Thanks for your sensitive story


nice artwork @xpilar
he entered my life by accident I entered a summit of despair I was then plunged in a sea of ​​sorrows, I thought that the Savior convinced myself that God has given me compensation for what I have to this world to transform my life from black to rainbow colorsTried once and found the rejection and tried again and again until he came to accept me note that from the outset I explained to him the details of my life accurately and I passed him and found him acceptance of what I am and he does not care about the outlook of society.

I began waiting for him to feel my feelings again. I waited for him every day to send me "Good Morning." If my heartbeat accelerated, things developed and the relationship grew stronger, so I could no longer tolerate his separation and I was not satisfied with the few hours I spent with him. And to see its features and food by asking for a telephone number without hesitation provided him with the number. What was beautiful of those moments when I heard his voice did not seek the world of joy and continued the relationship until it is time to fulfill the promises made, but he told me that his family refused my presence among them did not save me and did not affect me to my great confidence in him and he is able to overcome this and I am with him.

Then I told him that I was ready to continue without any hope of marriage because I love him and I just want to be next to him and then asked to see him like any two people who meet but he refused and hard, his reasons were meaningless in front of Shawki to see him so I wrote and prepared the request many times and every time he refused for some reason and evaded I did not care about the subject, I was not eager to see him or anything with him, but I still want his presence in my life. His way of love changed. His mood, his strange requests, and his deadly desires grew. I asked for his phone number The other refused, asked for other pictures refused, asked to see him refused, took him the number of the company in which he works and contacted them and asked them answered me that there is no employee by this name told him this talk denied and justified, his honesty and silence but the suspicion is increasingly decided to end the question by the intelligence and if this person It does not exist permanently.

Then I was shocked why? Why am I? Why wrote about suffering and misery? I did not care, but he did not care. He answered plainly. Yes, I told you about him, not me, and I do not want to marry. I answered him simply. I will not forgive you. Fantasy and extinction

Hi @robertokossy

Thanks for your thoughts and a sad story but good

I like this story and want share it with u
story Fish tells that a big fish and her daughter , They were playing in a quiet blue sea. They saw three ships sailing in the distance. The big fish said: They are the sons of humans The little fish shouted with emotion: I wish I knew where they were going on a dangerous trip to explore how I wish to make such a trip !. I want to get to know other bays and seas, maybe someday, not now, my dear. I'm still small on the risk of exploration, I'm not as small as you think, Mom. I mean, when you grow up more, my daughter, the whole world will be at your disposal when you discover what you want. She said muttering: How is this, and I have not yet found anyone help me at least to get my chance of playing and hearing the cancer snatched from the talk of the small fish asked her: What is the thing that I hear you grumbling about because you do not take enough fun? In your opinion, a mistake of this I do not know. I want to make an exploratory trip, and my mother says that I am still young and I have to wait until the largest seagull is involved in the conversation, and he said: Your mother is right to see you also stand in front of my desire, and do not help me for fear of you, you may trample your way and waste, and we do not want you The small fish replied, "I will not lose my way, and I will not waste. Why can not you see that I am big enough to take the adventure that I want and not feel?" I slipped out of the bay toward the unknown. I glimpsed one of those cruising ships, By swam as fast as you could to reach them, but their ability to do so was much less What do you think wait for me ship! I screamed with all her might. No one heard the call from the sailors. At moments when the ship was missing, the small fish felt tired and disappointed, so she decided to return to her home, but she was lost and did not know how to reach the Gulf that embraced her family and friends. While she was swimming in a confused panic, I came across something wrong. I asked him: Do you know where the road to my house shook the octopus's body, spread its legs in all directions, and ignored the question and rushed to some sleeping oysters? I asked them: "I lost my way to my house. I received an answer, and I went to a sea lamp, so that you could show me to me Coordination brings me to my house and also the small fish have not received an answer, and did not find help her to reach her home, everyone of them is easier, indifferent Bmahntha What do I do now, and what is my destiny? My mother and friends were right when they said I was small to do a solo adventure and suddenly, I noticed that the fish around her were swimming very fast and before you asked what was happening here, a great shadow fell on it. I felt the silence of the water and coolness and knew that the next is the shark, and that the fish fled for fear of him tried to shark, catch the small fish, swallowing it but was able to cram itself between the rocks accurate difficult for the large size to enter and when she felt the disappearance of danger emerged from the reservoir , She did not know how she got there, but she knew she would not go back to adventure again. At this young age she said to her mother and to her friends, who welcomed her and rejoiced greatly in her return. Safe into the safety of the Gulf.
I hope my story like you all my friends thank you for @xpilar

Hi @juliaz

Thanks for your thoughts and a nice story

Great job!!

thank you

Hi @xpilar, I hope you have had a nice Saturday and enjoyed nice winter day. Seeing your digital Art it looks like nice sunny day, but also those beautiful olive and green colors remind me spring and that makes our cold days in Scotland a little bit warmer, although we can't complain this winter was relatively warm. That beautiful landscape that you created could be also here in Highlands, with our mountains and such little vegetation due to rough weather. Gorgeous sky and it feels like the planes just passed flying by. As to my Saturday, in Art community there is a lot of dispute happening if you are curious about I have resteemed the post from one of the famous Austrian Artist @thermoplastic. I wish you a nice Sunday and as always was really glad to see your digital painting, Cheers @Stef1

Hi @Stef1

thanks for nice words a nice description

Yes, I'll read @ thermoplastic / debate


After five days walking after being stranded on a desert island the crew of the ill-fated boat the HMS Falcon came a cross a large mountain it was covered with small shrubs and appeared faintly green finally they had a source of water a very small stream ran out near some rocks on the other side of the mountain. After searching for a place to sleep the crew found a small cave which could sustain them out of the sun until they got rescued, they lit a fire on the top of the mountain and in a few days they were finally rescued.

Five days later, one of the crew who was a photographer managed to sell pictures of the mountain and live his dream!

The end.

Hi @megamovie

thanks for your thoughts and description

Top of the harmony!

In the middle of nowhere my resting place where I can be myself and recreate my true spirit, with blue sky where the clouds make figures of the most beautiful details and my imagination opens, on the top of the mountain a flag of hope, I throw a sigh in the air and my soul reflects the dreamed love of a recovered world.

Beautiful image friend @xpilar, peace and harmony is his reflection!

Hi @michelduartes

Thanks for your thoughts and a story

These are wonderful mountains, where there is such pure air...
And the sky above these mountains seems especially bright and beautiful!
We have long dreamed of visiting there, breathing in such fresh air and admiring the beauty of these mountains!

Hi @ir3k

thanks for your thoughts and description

A very beautiful picture that resembles the surface of space
The seven-year-old Janet knew that the day would come when the sun would rise on her, and her body would not be like all the girls. Her ears grew at morning and returned to normal in the evening. Her hair had a light shaft running into dark areas, Janet did not spread her secret to her mother, Nor to her friends at school who would often be so cynical that she preferred to keep her secret, but she could not adjust to it after a while. The story of Janet began when she and her parents went to the river of fear that runs through her remote village from the west. The grandmothers in that village were telling the ghastly tales about the river that if the sun was missing on one side of the river, When Janet came to rushing that evening, Janet insisted on testing the stories of the old men. She stayed by the river for hours after sunset, and only laughed at it until the river became a blue object not as frightening as a Janet girl to run away. The eyes of the blue object are overflowing with a lot of compassion and compassion , And Janet was staring at what was happening. When the object approached Janet from each side and then lifted it with his two hundred hands for twenty meters from the ground, Janet's heartbeat began to accelerate with fear, but this feeling did not last long. Janet returned to the laugh that she laughed when she sat near the river, the object was tickling from each side to laugh, creating a fountain of water and sitting on top of it, the child felt that she would like to stay with the river that no one has ever seen or played with him, Before returning to his normal state of need to leave home, and return the next day after sunset, but left without returning the next day. On the way back to the house, Janet felt that her heart was full of joy, while the movements of the blue object began to be filled with humor and humor. Before she completed her dementia and her madness with her self, her mother's voice came from the house and was delayed, thinking that her curious child She took another route to go to her friend before she returned to the river. Since then, Janet has awakened from her sleep to the sound of her ears as she grows larger, as she deliberately goes to the basement to enjoy the light of her hair, swinging her hips and arms, and then into hysterical laughter for several minutes. One day Janet decided to return to the river after the sun , After much effort to persuade her mother to go to a friend's birthday party near the river. Janet Sanda sat on a tree next to the river waiting for the sun to pull away from the distant hills. When the water receded, the water receded into the river, and then began to gather again. Then the object went out to Janet again. As soon as the object returned to its normal state, Janet hurried to hide behind a tree. The old man appeared in features that were not visible because of the darkness. But the reflection of the moonlight and the stars on the surface of the river showed the features of the old woman with a lot of sorrow. Start sitting on h FH river, then began to cry calling on the spirits of their loss by drowning in the river as it appeared to them. Janet felt very sad, and feared that the story of the man is real, as he feared to be pulled by the river beside the spirits he took in the past, shortly after he got what was expected, the river came out and swallowed the man, Janet wanted to silence her breath after seconds, could not bear The scene of the scene, as the river object approached it, after the man withdrew to him, and did not differ before the arrival of the old man, he tried to pet again, which Janit did not accept, provided home crying, and returned to the river since then, Much sadness, wonder and fear: Why am I specifically? Janet rushed to her after seeing her ears grow up, and Janet informed her mother of the reason she had been locked for days, forcing her to take her little girl to a carpenter in the village to save her from the curse of the river. Then for three consecutive days, and after she woke up she returned to her former nature, and recalled from her memory that one day she went to the river, and hit her.

Hi @adamdavid

Thanks for your story

Hello @xpilar, nice to meet you again. according to my description of the digital image you are displaying, this shows the peak of a mountain. if observed in its entirety, this mountain has a very large size. the mountain is a pillar for the earth. and mountains that have a large size function, when an earthquake occurs, the earth is not too rocky. mountain is very useful for life.

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Hi @aulia1993

thanks for your thoughts and description

hello @xpilar .
this is really beautiful art.
this art is looks like it is from another planet . but it is same as like earth. the blue sky is looks awesome in this digital art. the clouds in the sky is awesome. beautiful digital art.

thank you so much

You are the king of fantasy drawing
When we were young, we were looking to be super heroes, to embrace the sky, to dig the earth when our loved ones fell in love, and we resisted and resisted those feelings that we had grown up with, because any experience we tried to do could make our lives dangerous and bring misery to us. , And today we will talk about the stories of science fiction, those stories that are insulting in our hearts and dreams throughout our lives, and abandoned ourselves with their faces and features, and we do what they do, if the adults were often prevent us, and still remember the characters we have lived with them until today, Such as Captain Majid, Sandy Bell, and Earth Hawks , And Hazeem Thunder, and today's talk will be about the science fiction stories embodied by children's programs, the first: Haze Thunder: the story of a fictional hero, one of the heroes of space, to eliminate the forces of evil, which intends to invade the globe, and destroy the human beings, and start From this point, the start of a real start, embodied more than a personality, our owner is the thunder hero, the hero of the great, who intends to serve his land, and defend his country, and protect his family, and external forces, came for the control of the planet, Planets, and destroyed their people, and trampled on them, and took them slaves, and then spin the story in the outer space With the help of many astronauts, machines and equipment, these heroes were able to mobilize them to invade enemies and conquer them at the bottom of their house. But the thunder bomber captures one of the enemy's daughters, falls in love with her, and imagines it to gather information. He knows that they are not right, and then the thunder bomber takes control of the enemy's equipment, subjugates it, controls it, then captures the remaining enemies, and begins a new, faraway life. About problems, evil, and assaults. The story of Haze Ram, though it is not a real story, takes place around a site that can never become a reality, but some people consider such stories to have religious significance, the purpose of which is to distort the image of Jesus and his companions when descending from Heaven by order of God. This series pictures the author of the story Haze Thunder as the right owner who is trying to get rid of the enemy who will invade the earth, and this is not really what will happen on the ground.

you are the kine of imagination draw @xpilar

Hi @angelinafederer

Thanks for your story

What a wonderful art work , that look like Arizona desert

then fight to get the top
patiently and with hope
so that later we can be together
become more solid and better

thanks for your thoughts and description

nice photo my friend

thank you so much

Great artwork

thank you so much

Real and nice fiction photo

thank you

@xpilar u the number 1 thanks alot

thank you so much

Thank u for share your great artwork

thank you

Very nice colors in imagine photo

thank you

Beautifull desert imagination photo

thank you

Actually so beautifull real photo

thank you so much

Wonderfull painting imagination thank you for share

thank you

What a beautifull artwork

thank you

I like it very much @xpilar

thank you

Nice photo u are great @xpilar

thank you

Amazing i wish u more of success @xpilar

thank you

Looks a beautifull artwor picture mr @xpilar

thank you so much

Wow you are great artist

good imagination, a mountain in the middle surrounded by a great plain under a beautiful blue sky full of clear clouds

thanks for your thoughts and description

Sooo nice great artist is @xpilar

That's a superb creativity and this creativity just like professional artist I think one day you will great of luck

Your imagination art to see regularly which is so very attractive and your skill so very proudly...

thank you so much

That's a absolutely great one and this imagination so very exciting and mind blowing..

Wow amazing imagination art and really I appreciate your post.. keep it up..@xpilar

thank you so much

Beautiful picture @xpilar and you created an amazing mountain landscape!

thank you so much

Great creation, very original. Good job @xpilar!

thank you so much

I love it, it is a very beautiful digital work of art, it transmits peace and tranquility .. @xpilar

thank you so much

Awesome picture.
Pic give us positive vibration mind blowing pic.
I say only one thing.
You are a great clicking.

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thank you so much

Amazing looking.
I am spechless beautiful nature.
Nature give us lot of hope.

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thank you so much

Your welcome.
Thanks for attention.

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excelent pictures.
great photography art @xpilar

thank you so much

Thanks you again @xpilar

You are very creative, they seem to be mountains in the middle of summer, and, with the grass falling, motivated to the inclement rays of the sun.

thank you so much

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