The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 10)

in #art4 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture

You join easily,
you post your story with my picture on your blog.
yes your blog
and you also post the story in the comment box here on my blog
and with a link to your post

Those who choose to write a story and publish it on their own
blog page gets rewarded by me with an upvote for it

hav og fjell og ild 1 A.jpg

See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story


I wish you the best degree

Your digital Art has combined 4 elements that we know on Earth: Earth, Fire, Water, Air. That is why seeing that I had to think about the movie The Last Airbender. Only with those four elements in balanced coexistence and not overwhelming overpower of any of those elements, the Life can exist.

Wonderful idea and beautiful peaceful scenery :)

thank you @stef1 for describing Earth, Fire, Water, Air.

I also think you read some of my thoughts with the picture :)

Mysterious fire creatures arrived to Earth. It is immediately evident that they are afraid of water, because touching water, they immediately evaporate. But when they fall to the ground, they burn all around. It's scary

thanks for the great description @angmon

Una familia se dispuso a ir a una determinada isla para comprobar lo que le habían comentado unos amigos respecto a unas grandes luces que se levantaban sobre el mar, muy cerca de la referida isla, las que había divisado con unos binoculares desde cierta distancia. Eran unas bolas como de fuego que flotaban sobre las aguas, y otros eran parecidas a unas llamaradas como de candela; motivados por la emoción de quienes les comentaron, dijeron: "vamos y veamos de que se trata".Así fue, se dispusieron e hicieron los preparativos, subieron a su lancha y llegaron hasta la isla pero allí no había nada semejante, estuvieron allí uno y otro dia,y se quedaron a la expectativa y,¡sorpresa!; en horas avanzadas de la noche, como en efecto, comenzaron a ver como fuegos flotantes.Se quedaron en suspenso, pero Paúl, el jefe de la familia recordó de cuando era adolescente, lo que le había referido su padre acerca de ese fenómeno donde en una determinada ocasión por poco queda muerto del susto al ver bolas de fuego y creer que se trataba de cosas de ultratumba.Tal narración a su familia en medio de lo maravillado que estaban al ver las bolas de fuego los tranquilizó en ese aspecto; y sobretodo cuando en definitiva les dijo que eso era un fenómeno natural denominados FUEGOS FATUOS, y les explicó que eso era producto de la inflamación de ciertas materias tales como el fósforo y metano que se desprenden de sustancias animales o vegetales en descomposición, formando ciertas llamas,las que se pueden ver ardiendo en el aire a cierta distancia de la superficie del agua, en los cementerios y en lugares fangosos.Las bolas de fuego se fueron extinguiendo y todos quedaron maravillados por tan espectacular fenómeno observado en el diseño de xpilar.

thanks for the great description @brismar


very nice art my dear friend
great work

Looking like Falling fire drop, creative work

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Most likely it looks like fire rain. Is this the beginning of the end of the world?
@xpilar, I hope this is not what you meant ;-)

Hi @euggud

my thoughts behind this photo have with what happens on Steemit these days,
but the flames go out when they hit the water 🙂


A monster in the kingdom.

Once upon a time there was a very happy, abundant and prosperous kingdom, where its inhabitants lived in harmony, the kings were the most righteous and noble in all history.
Every day was full of absolute peace and love ... Until one day some children played at the seashore, flying parrots saw a giant sea monster that approached children with a face of evil and with desire to eat them.
The children screamed and ran desperately alarming the community and the guards seen it at sea.
The kings automatically sent to investigate the sea monster, they would not allow anything or anyone to break the peace of the kingdom.
The investigation did not last long because the monster was crazy, screaming, stirring strongly the waters that were always so peaceful and ate how much animal he managed to capture.
The kings tried to sedate him to capture him but no sedative slept him, rather that he went crazy more and more.
We had no choice but to activate a destruction plan and with very sophisticated drones launched fire bombs to eliminate the monster.
Many drones were sent but this intelligent monster annihilated them by throwing water swish.
Until through a plan they managed to defeat the monster, hitting the fireballs on the huge body.

The sea monster was quickly defeated, his body lasted for days burning at the seashore, but the terrible story will accelerate in the horror legend in the kingdom, which is told from generation to generation.

Hi @jdbs

thanks for the great story from my digital photo

Here is my random thoughts on your digital image. Thanks for providing an opportunity to share my thoughts

Hi @kamchore.dlike

thanks for the great description from my digital photo

Nice valkino

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What a great job... A lot of creativity and fire.

His digital daily art is wow, type invasion and galaxy.

Is it an image of Flames of fire Hell?

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