[CR] My Artventure: Acrylic painting “The beauty of orient Sails”

in #artisteem6 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Steemians,

Today I wanted to present you another type of Sailing ship, we know a lot about the European versions and how they look and what was the role. Once when I watched “Avatar: The last Airbender” I was absolutely astonished with the beauty of orient Sailing ships.


Artwork Image

“The beauty of orient Sails” by Stef1

Trenner groß.png

I found from Wikipedia that “Junk is a type of ancient Chinese sailing ship that is still in use today. Junks were used as seagoing vessels as early as the 2nd century AD and developed rapidly during the Song dynasty (960–1279).”

That means already many more years ahead of European maritime the people in East were traveling with the vessels and knew how to use the sails in order to navigate them.

I used Acrylic paints:

  • Cyan Blue
  • Cadmium Red and Yellow
  • Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber
  • Titanium White

My step-by-step process:


Trenner groß.png


Trenner groß.png


Trenner groß.png

The finished painting


Acrylic painting “The beauty of orient Sails” by Stef1

Trenner groß.png



I hope you enjoyed my post and thank you for viewing :-)


Oh I love those very traditional Eastern styled sail ships :) Very beautiful~ The colours are lovely, also and I love your composition~ The focus remains on the central boat, but the mountains and buildings at the background frame this piece wonderfully <3 Very gorgeous piece, @stef1 !!!

Thank you for such nice comments, you are right my main figure is Sailing ship but only alone would be too boring and wasting space, I thought to do so that people can imagine sun raise and that the temple in far right corner has light and the little boats at the mountain side are still in shadow.

Spectacular piece, Steffi! Well done!
The boat is incredible, just like the scenery surrounding it.

Thank you very much and I am pleased that made you surprised with that new style of painting. I like hte end result too :)

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really cool painting technique, i love it :D

Thank you for nice comment and glad you like the way I do my painting :)

Fan of your work - lovely scene

Thank you and glad you viewed my work, appreciate for nice words :)

I very like bright green and blue colors! Great job!

Thank you and appreciate you for such artistic feedback :)

This is amazing @stef1!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Top notch acrilyc painting 💙

Thank you @melooo182 for your wonderful praise, I am glad you like my work, I was also very satisfied, but I must say it was a bit tricky to do this unusual shape of sails, I believe there are few layers of colors as I wanted to achieve a rich color mix to reflect highlighted parts of sail and the parts in shadow.

it is very beautiful and i love the reflection of water ,, great painting

Thank you very much @li-art, it is a pleasure and a honor to hear such feedback from another Artist, really appreciate your words

Hey @stef1.
This is an exquisite painting. Everything looks so real, the effects of the reflections, the contrast between the lights and the shadows are very clean. How long did you take to make this wonderful painting?

Thank you @francisftlp for your nice comment, I also love the reflection, I would say sky and mountains were easy, may be because there are in reality also different and changing all the time. But because the reflection should be identical that took me really the whole one evening. All together it was two day process :)

Beautiful work, the details and the reflection in the water are very nice! They really are a fascinating vessel.

Thank you very much for your nice comment and I am glad you like my creation :)

You did a great job, though I never used acrylic paint to paint on paper. I prefer watercolor or gouache for this purpose, and acrylic is perfect for canvas or for painting on the wall too. : )

You are right, canvas is the perfect surface for acrylic but nowadays there is Acrylic paper that has a texture of canvas too. So for training purpose that is the best :)

🎉 Congratulations @stef1! 👏, your amazing Artwork has been selected to be featured in my curation post.

Thank you very much for choosing my work and I am glad to be selecting for your magazine !

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Thank you for the supprot @msp3k, @isaria and @minnowsupport, I am really happy to see your logo under my posts!