When a Hasher dies, it is called the great "On Out"

in #asean3 years ago

When you look at a group of Hashers, you would assume that we are a group of world-class athletes the likes of which will enjoy lifespans much longer than normal humans because of our physical prowess and devotion to drinking beer. We are truly impressive specimens but unfortunately, father time has his eye on us as well.

"athletes" of the finest caliber

This past weekend we lost a long-"running" member of our Hash in Chiang Mai to cancer - which gets all too many people, even those whose lives revolved around physical fitness and strict diets like us.

As is tradition in the Hash House Harriers, most of us don't even know his real name. I know hundreds of Hashers and other than the people that I invited into the Hash that I knew before they were members, I know very few of their real names.

His Hash name is "Toejam" and he was quite the character who loved a lot of things in life, and the Hash was one of his major joys as he would be at every event week in and week out.


He never mentioned that he was suffering from cancer and no one in our group that I have spoken to was aware of it either. We are still unsure if even he knew but alas, it no longer matters as he has gone to the great Hash House Harriers meetup in the afterlife.

About two years ago he returned to his home in America because he was a candidate for city council in his home state of Nevada. He didn't win and before he left he was aware of the fact that he was unlikely to win but he ran anyway and had great enthusiasm about doing so. That same attitude was part of his personality at every Hash event: He was never one of the guys that was going to "win," but that didn't stop him from participating. He also knew a ton of Hash songs and was very active in getting others involved in the merriment both at the events and even in the bus rides to and from all of these events. He was a unique character and made a lot of people laugh with his words and actions.

He took his last breaths in a Las Vegas hospital on June 8th, 2021.


When you are on a Hash run you will hear "On On" being shouted a great deal. It is the call out that we say to indicate to the rest of the pack as to where the real trail is any time there is a break in the obvious path and someone discovers the true trail. At the last stretch of each event there is a powder indicator that shows that the ru is nearly at an end that states "On In."

When a Hashers passes away, it is called the "On Out" and is the great farewell to our beloved members, all of which will eventually reach this point.

Farewell Toejam, you were a wonderful addition to any Hash that you joined and it was a delight having you with us while you were still blessing this world with your presence. You will be missed and we will tip a bit of beer in your honor.

On Out my brother..... may the trails ever be fun and the beer ice cold.
