Ask Anime Week #19: Isekai genre would be better off without?

in #askanimelast month

We're going to make this a weekly mini-contest where we ask something related to Anime. Read the rules carefully.


Ask Anime Question of the Week:

Complete the sentence, "Isekai genre would be better off without ________"

Every anime season has a few isekai shows, so I'm expecting no one that consumes anime here doesn't know or at least aware what this genre is. You can attach almost anything with the isekai tag, school romcom drama? let's put isekai into that, slice of life? let's make it an isekai anime about farming, tired of standard isekai? why not make the other world citizens come to our place for a reverse isekai trope. Isekai would be better off without-?

  1. Comment your answer to the weekly question to this post as an entry.
  2. Must be in English but you can attach a section for a different language too as long as there is an English section that conveys the same thought.
  3. No need to make a post about the contest or use a specific tag for your post. You can still post about this but it serves no purpose in picking a winner.
  4. Tag someone who you think might be interested in joining (optional) but if that person participates in the event, there's a bonus reward IF either of you wins. In cases where multiple users tag the same person, we'll count only the user that mentioned that person first as evidenced by the time stamp on the blockchain.
  5. Comments must be below 4 sentences for the actual entry. There's no need to comment 4 sentences for an entry, it's just a max number to avoid the entries becoming long form posts. If you have conversations in the comment section, make sure it's done on a separate comment/reply section.
  6. Response must not be AI generated. While this can sometimes be a challenge to detect and prove, it's not worth trying because you're being asked to share in your own words.
  7. Only 1 winner will be picked. Criteria for judging will not be disclosed but the closest hint available is: put some thought into your answer within the limited number of sentences available.

Notes: Think less of this as a contest and more of an avenue to share your thoughts and get more exposure within the community. We'll adapt the mechanics of the contest depending on the outcome of the previous contests so expect rules can change in the future.

Prize: The winner will receive 1 Hive.

If you won and tagged another user that participated in the mini-contest, you get 2 Hive and the other person you tagged gets 0.5 Hive.

If the person you tagged won, they get 2 Hive and you get 0.5 Hive for tagging them along.


Isekai genre would be better off without unnecessary fan service, especially the ecchi part. Just when I'm really focused on following the story, there's suddenly that fan service part that is somehow funny but most of the time it distracts and annoys me. Also, I'm wondering if isekai genre would be better off without romance—just pure adventure, because romance subplots, especially the annoying harems, complicate the plot and transform the story into a boring, cliche one.

The isekai genre would be better off without generic protagonists and their harems. Not only are these clichés repetitive, but they are also boring, and they screw up the entire experience. By focusing on more authentic dynamics, the genre could offer more engaging stories for a wider audience. 🙌

Isekai genre would be better off without overpowering the main character in the new fantasy world he or she is in... XD

Oh my gosh, so trueee. It's so unnecessary

Isekai genre would be better off without harem subplots where the main character is surrounded by women.

That's exactly what I was thinking about. That plot is way overused and therefore it's not even funny anymore

@ibet, my friend , I would like you to join.

The two things that came in my mind is already told by @tegoshei and @iam-siki 😅😅😅 well done guys 🫰🏿