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RE: What's your take on downvotes? | Voting all meaningful comments with 100% weight.

in #askhive4 years ago

I don't like them, as they rarely seem to be used for reason they were meant to be used - to help stop abuse. Hive Watchers has that role. I get them occasionally on my posts but as you say, ignoring and not responding usually has them go away. Trolls will be trolls.. give them a reason to BE a pest and they generally will be. Downvote wars are pathetic, vindictive, cruel and petty. They just make this place a sad place to be when it should be a haven. I find gentle comments help judge poor posts in my community to lift their game, otherwise muting is an option. Better than downvoting. And downvoting because you simply DON'T LIKE the content is subjective - what gives people the right to take away the rewards of someone else?? Saying all of this, it's not the tool per se - it's the users..