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RE: Ask Steemit: If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why? - 10 SBD for the best comment

in #asksteemit7 years ago

Another #asksteemit post!! hahaha we're in on this, no going back!!!

if i were to travel back in time (why would i? We're living in the greatest time in human history!!) i'd go back to the days of the oldest human kingdom in history. The Ancient Mesopotamian civilization in Göbekli Tepe. Only because it is the oldest civilization currently known and im just so curious to see what it actually looked like. Of course, and to exploit their poorer technological advances.. With the modern knowledge i know now I'd be a GOD AMONG MEN.. Muahahahahaha, that or they'd label me a demon and put my head on a stick.

Do take a look at my post over at :

Stay Awesome!