Dear Mr. President, A Warning...

in #assange5 years ago

An open letter to President Trump.

Reports are that Julian Assange will be forced from the Embassy in London.

This is being done by the same people who were behind the Mueller probe. The deep state wants to get their hands on Assange. These people mean to do you the same harm as him.

Whatever your personal beliefs about Assange, they do not matter. What is truly important is the reason for this action and who is behind it. For three years, you were personally attacked by them. They are ruthless and will not give up.

Unless you step in regarding this matter, you are setting yourself up. You are walking into a trap they are laying for you.

To read full story, click on image.


Trump it's look like controversial president, I love when USA have stable political like before when obama president. When obama president. I hope everything will remain peaceful

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