From Selling Dreams to Selling Products: My Journey of Exploration (Part 1)

in #attitede11 months ago (edited)


Greetings, I'm Marvin, and I'm here to share with you one of my most cherished passions: exploring new destinations and persuading people to embrace my promotional items. It might be a bit surprising, but this unique combination has shaped the majority of my professional life.

Picture this: immersing myself in the art of impulsive selling, persuading individuals to buy into something I can't predict. It's a challenge that fuels me, propelling me to cultivate confidence and persistence, often pushing beyond the ordinary boundaries.

This extraordinary fascination dates back to a pivotal moment in my career, a time when I bid farewell to my conventional job. I embarked on a journey with a global Canadian enterprise known as WWI (Wholesale Warehouse Industry), which had a branch in the Philippines. My enthusiasm was palpable as I delved into their uncomplicated yet highly effective marketing approach.

The allure of this endeavor became my motivation and driving force. I was inspired to stay the course, embracing the simple success strategies they offered, embodied in their catchphrase: "The World's Greatest Opportunity." The foundation was straightforward: selling products at remarkably low prices, obtained on a daily consignment basis. A business model requiring no initial capital, offering a franchise-like opportunity, and a chance to grasp their marketing blueprint.

Within this framework, akin to a three-tiered ladder, emerged the Three Phases of Management:

  1. Distributorship: The crux of the operation centered on sales and marketing. Here, we wielded a potent offline marketing strategy involving five-step pitches, eight steps fostering strong work habits, and the application of the Law of Averages (which I won't delve into now).

  2. Leadership: As we honed our marketing prowess and reaped daily profits, the second phase beckoned. The focus transitioned to leadership, striving to replicate ourselves fivefold. This mission involved building robust business and personal relationships with new distributors, guided and overseen by seasoned Leaders.

  3. Ownership/Management: Transitioning to this phase occurred after nurturing new distributors into leaders themselves. This managerial realm encompassed diverse tasks like inventory management, hiring, site selection, legalities, tax considerations, and overseeing day-to-day operations. It entailed conducting various meetings, from morning briefings to impactful gatherings.

The Journey Unfolds:

While I never ascended to management in that venture, the journey proved invaluable. I soaked up myriad lessons and even had the privilege of participating in their inaugural Rest & Recreation event in Phuket, Thailand.


I'm not sure if that company is still around, but it had a big impact on how I grew as a person and in my career. I learned to set big goals, work hard, share what I know, and trust others.

It's also important to stay positive, keep improving, be on time, and do what's expected of you.
What I'm trying to say is that my biggest interest in life is learning new things. Life is a journey of discovery, and while we can't predict the future, one thing is certain: if you bring value to the world, good things will come your way.

Thanks for reading my story. I appreciate you being here. I wish you lots of happiness and excitement in your days ahead.

But that's just the beginning. Curiosity piqued? Well, keep an eye out for Part 2 of my story, where I'll continue this narrative and unveil more insights that have sculpted my unique path.

Join me in discovering the surprises, lessons, and triumphs that this intriguing blend of passions has bestowed upon my professional odyssey.

phuket hotel.jpg

Now it's your turn.

Now that you've heard about my unique journey, I'm curious – have you ever experienced a surprising blend of interests that influenced your path? Maybe it's your own mix of passions that has shaped your choices and opportunities. If you can relate or have a story to share, I'd love to hear from you.

Feel free to drop a comment below and share your thoughts. Let's connect over the unexpected twists and turns that life brings our way. Your experiences might just inspire others on their own journeys too.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. Stay tuned for Part 2, where I'll continue unraveling the layers that have shaped my professional voyage. Until then, may your days be filled with joy and discovery.


Hey @marvin-bumatay. Welcome to HIVE! We are thrilled to have you here.

Your past experiences have shaped the wisdom that you have right now and Hive is such a great space for you to share them. Others will find value from your entrepreneurial insights in Be Entrepreneur or in HiveHustlers.

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👉How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain
👉3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive
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Navigating here on Hive can be somewhat tricky so make sure to check out the things mentioned above. Once again, Congratulations on embarking on a new journey here in Hive.

This is @indayclara from the @ocd team and we wish you all the best.

Thanks for the warm welcome, @lovesniper! I'm really excited to join HIVE and share my experiences. You're right, our past experiences shape who we are today. I'm looking forward to connecting with the community, especially in places like Be Entrepreneur and HiveHustlers.

As for how I found Hive, it was a bit of an internet adventure – one link led to another, and here I am! 😄 Haha, to be honest, I was a bit surprised when Jon Olson popped up in my email too! 😂 I was in the middle of my online job hunt, constantly checking my inbox. Talk about a pleasant surprise!

I'll definitely follow your advice and share my future blogs in the right communities. I'll also check out the resources you mentioned. Thanks for the heads-up on what to avoid, like Plagiarism and Recycling Content.

Navigating Hive might take some getting used to, but I'm ready for the ride. Thanks again, @indayclara from the @ocd team. Excited for this new Hive journey! 🚀