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RE: Messing up a Oatmeal Apple Honey Muffin Recipe

in #baking5 years ago


I actually don't even remember what I said that was funny. XD I just sort of ramble while going through the pictures. But I do think about what I'm gonna post while taking the pics and cooking.

Cooking isn't like some chemically perfect process that I have to follow the same every time for me. Most recipes you find online aren't even that good anyway. Many of them are just completely wrong in at least a few ways. And you're probably gonna mess it up the first time anyway, even if it is perfect. So, if you wanna make it with something because you don't have something else, or because you want a certain something, why not try it out? Worst that can happen is it doesn't turn out that great. Then you learned something. And with me posting about it, I now have a reference to what I did and what I did wrong. Maybe however I changed it might be the first step to a new recipe. Because there are hundreds of thousands of possible combinations of ingredients possible. You can't know if they'll work unless you try.