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RE: The Zaibatsu Bank of Neoxian: daily contracts: 2018-05-27

in #bank6 years ago

The Zaibatsu Bank of Neoxian, is a financial group that came to stay and to participate and help in all sectors of the economy (food, electricity, electronic equipment, cars, etc.) ... We are not in favor of any government. we only want to work and bring welfare to all the people. Our Zaibatsu, doesn't seek the personal benefit of its owner; and therefore, our loans or credits are granted with minimum intreses and all the mod cons that the client needs.
In the City of Neoxian we are developing a new Zaibatsu, the Zaibatsu of the Bank of Neoxian ... If you want to be part of our family, do not hesitate to contact us.

Come on! Approach and be part of our Family.

Greetings @neoxian