Cactus League Shenanignas

in #baseball2 years ago

Last year we started a tradition to attend spring training in Phoenix,
to which #MLB lockout almost ruined. Fortunate for me I changed my trip to later in March hoping there would be a resolution or I would have to cancel. With luck on my side the lockout ended and #baseballs springin training would begin on #StPattysDay.


Here is a look into our Day 1 baseball bender! (We did 7 games in 5 days so more videos to come!)



Sweet!! Looks like a good time!

very fun amigo. @roundoar03 I highly recommend going.

Twins play Thursday and I cannnnnnnnnnoooooottttttt wait! Baseball is back, baby!!!

@intothewild and The Master begins the same day! We should open Ozzie's early!

Just might do that!