Hello steemit, Ohio Bassist joining up!

in #bass7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemit!
My name is Erol.

I'm a bassist/vocalist/educator/motorcyclist/naturelover/TVjunkie who recently joined the Steemit community. I'm editing the content of this post, because in my haste to get started, I didn't really do it right. (the original content wasn't much of an introduction and should have been in a different category). It was now pointed out to me that "introduceyourself" must be the very first tag. However; I just tried changing the tags multiple times and it will not let me do it. So, I'm reposting the entire introduction with the correct tags. So much to learn here on steemit.

I've been an FB user since it began. In fact I liked it so much, I bought stock in that company shortly after it's IPO, when it dipped to $24. With fear that the current US president has inflated the market, I recently sold it at $130, so Facebook has been good to me. In a way, by owning stock in the company, I was getting paid for using it ( similar to steem, but in a more conventional and centralized way) That said, I'm no longer a share holder, so FB is now reaping 100% of the profit from my participation. When I read some of Daniel Larimer's posts, I thought steemit.com is a fantastic idea. Let the users reap the rewards for their content! Wow, awesome concept!

I hope to post things here about music, philosophy, life in general. I'm looking forward to meeting some like minded (and unlike minded) steemers, and feeling that my content has value. THANK YOU STEEMIT!



Hello my friend! welcome!... You should do a propper introduction using the "introduceyourlself" as 1st tag... And also join us in openmic contest! :D

I guess I had introduceyourself as the second tag. I just hit the edit button now and made it the first tag, but when I view the post the change has not been made. Any suggestions? Thanks

Nah that wont work, happen to me too!, just make a new post, you will get the deserved attention! :D cheers!

Oh, I didn't realize I did it wrong. So much to learn here on steemit. Thanks for the tips! I appreciate it.

Hey now!!!!! Welcome to the steemit world buddie! Followed. :)

Hey Erol, get a pic of yourself with steemit written on a piece of paper and the date so they know who you are.

? whats the point of the paper?

It just helps identify who you are. It is not always necessary, but when you first start, that is what is standard. Since you have a few posts already with your pic/video, that will suffice. :)

Welcome to Steemit @erolsommer :)

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