Using a Trello board to manage dCity Non-Fungible tokens

in #battle3 years ago (edited)

Copy of DCity Collective (Banner (Landscape)).png

dCity is a Hive blockchain city simulator game where players manage, trade, and hold Hive-Engine NFTs that represent Business, Citizen, or Technology Cards.

The blog series dramatizes the transactions of @boycharliefamily to scribe and detail a roleplay being written by @boycharlieplays.

The creator account, @boycharlieplays, manages and authors the reports on the roleplay and actions of the community account @boycharliefamily.

Each day by logging onto on my phone or on my desktop/laptop I look over how the account has performed in mining crypto.

Those who contribute to the collective's content can negotiate a percentage of funding with @boycharlieplays based on their contribution.

The integration of the Hive blockchain to create crypto funding allows the account to promote the blogs and help onboard teach others how to join the platform.

dCity_boycharliefamily (15).png

The mission of this gaming blogging project is to establish a company/group that will maintain and host reports on the performance of the @dcitygame NFT holdings in @boycharliefamily city.

Each card is either a Business, Citizen, or Technology "NFT". These "NFTs" provide stat parameters(Population, Popularity, Income, Creativity, Education, and Crime Rate) that cause our cities to experience income, crime, and other in-game events. The holding of these cards in a Hive account form the "city"!

In the "@boycharliefamily #dcity collective roleplay", all business, citizen, and technology NFT cards have returned to the main city before the turning of the year.

Some citizens feel this is a violation of their civil rights and creating a new contract model would allow for more violations but the sharing of resources from @boycharliefamily associated businesses.

We are now in the phase of registering the businesses and looking for guidance on how to develop the lore of each individual card further.

dCity Collective Contract Board


Charlie imagines an NFT as the politician (we call him Paper Pete) that is imagined as pushing new contract legislation to manage the movements and publicly track the actions of each business and citizen NFT on a Trello board.

@boycharlieplays is designing this Trello board to have lists that are incoming NFTs and the current standing of collective cities. Each NFT is represented on the board in the form of a card that tracks stat changes and within the roleplay ownership details. At the top of the list, each city is able to detail the exact sums of cities based on the addition or subtraction of NFTs.

Each @dcitygame NFT card(Business, Citizen, Technology, or otherwise) has a comment section that tracks the transfers of these cards from one city list to another.

With the Smart Fields Power-Up, we are able to create custom fields that can be translated into a CSV.


Thanks for reading

As a content creator on the Hive blockchain, I am hoping to provide an example for a Before and After school program that is funded by Hive tokens. Parents can pay weekly tuition for care but then interact with the programming posts online and in real life to pay their tuition moving forward with Hive or HBD. Each vote, follow, the share is really appreciated! You guys checking into the website and even peaking at my blogs allow me to get some perspective and I love seeing comments as well if you are looking to see how I'm doing. The Hive account is public and you can keep up with the way I am moving my NFTs and Hive-Engine tokens over the next few weeks in service to the @boycharliefamily community programming. I'm hugely excited about returning to La Diaspora and working with my job to host a creator club! All positive moving forward.


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