The role of a parent to their children

in #bdcommunity3 years ago

Parent need to learn how to move closer with children and find a way to appreciate them, we don't need be too ash on them, the best way to keep them safe is to not allow them to move more closer with friends because there friends can mislead them and ask them to do what it's not polite for the society, if a parent did not have time of the children, believe if you don't get close to the will not no share there felling with you but they will be happy to share it with the next person that are very close to them majorly friend, some children even prefer to share there feelings with there friends and there friends may end up give them wrong advice.


Every parent must have time for children no matter how their schedule, because some parent did not actually have time when it comes to taking proper care for them, as we can see some parent did not know weather their child do some basic things assigned to them in school like assignment, books or do their homework, in short they don't have time for having conversation with there children even sometimes their child wil be afraid of talk with their dad or mom while some children will be excited because they have been looking for the opportunity on how to be a bad eggs, for instance, one Saturday if the parent should spend one Saturday afternoon with them, definitely the both will enjoy and the children will free to asked them different types of questions and both of them can share the ideas together without any problems or difficulties.

However, It is our responsibility to take good care of them especially the grown up child, we can take care of them by showing them love, empathy caring in all manner because it's what they really need at early stage of their childernhood. We should able to known more about them, how they relate with people, which kind of friends they are mingle with and how they can make it during the difficult time. If anything happen between them and their friends next thing to those children will start cursing each other because that what they learnt from their parents, teach your children how to respect, kinddness, honest and tolerance with people.


In this case, we need to move closer with our children's and share the best experiences with them so that we can know exactly how they feel at any point in time. It is our responsibility to thought the children how they will be raising caring, respectful and loving ethical children in the society and what they will do to add value to their own life. We should be a good model for our children because the children are watching every step will take, lf the parent is angry with there friends or their neighborhood, she will start cursing them in the presence of their children which is not good.

Thank you so much everyone for your time, help me to upvotes and comment, I will see you next time.

All images used are from pixabay.