Growing a beard

in #beard4 years ago

Since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic and National wide lockdown, one thing I thought about was to grow a beard. I am not gonna go to office or meet and officials, not gonna attend any weddings and meet any relatives either, this will be good time to grow a beard and be lazy. I grew a long beard and groomed it well. The lockdown ended in 3 months and I had to step out of my house, go to office and everywhere but the beard stayed with me. It's been 8 months. People around me think I should shave it. What do you people think? Shave it, trim it or keep it?



Your post started with COVID19; So, I will respond from that perspective.

Some sites say that beards reduce the effectiveness of masks. Many doctors and health care officials shaved their beards so that their masks would fit tighter and work better.

Personally, I don't think it matters. I doubt there is any data showing that beards significantly reduce the effectiveness of masks or increase COVID19 risks.

People get strong ideas in their head. You mentioned that you received comments. Some one may have read that people need to shave for their masks to work.

If I was working in health care or in a position where I had a lot of contact with customers, I probably would shave the beard as a symbol of respect even though I don't think shaving affects COVID19 risks.

As for laziness, my beard grows fast. I found that shaving takes less time than keeping my beard trimmed and looking nice.

Ok I guess I will shave 😊