Don't Assume My Ass Is Unimportant

in #beauty6 years ago

tori 1b.jpg

Just because I have a nice ass, and I am willing to show it to you--- don't assume I have no brains in my head or no notion of the world I live in. I am not a frickin' MeeToo girl whining about this and that. It takes some learning and thinking and hard work to get a job and keep a job. The MeToo-ers think power should be handed to them just because they have vaginas. What a load of crap.

I have had it up to my pussy in the nonsense I see on TV every night.... this or that man losing his job because he squeezed some girl's butt or wanted to squeeze some girl's butt. Any girl has the choice to say: Keep your sweaty hands off me, Mr. Weinstein! If she doesn't have the balls to say "keep your hands off me"... she is choosing to be pushed around, choosing to be a victim. And she should probably consider a different line of work.

And also--- Boys have been squeezing girls asses for hundreds of thousands of years. Why does it surprise people that men with jobs, men in positions of power, want to squeeze girls asses. Not all men in power are gay. The ones who are not gay are going to want a tit or two once in awhile. To make a fuss over it is simply a waste of time, and a failure to recognize the sexual facts of our existence. A pathetic failure to recognize the importance of my own sweet little ass.

So there. I have blown off my steam over the Me-Too nonsense. And I hope the hetero boys will enjoy looking at my ass.
(That is-- if steemit doesn't edit this post away into the cyber-aether.)