Bizarre Beer of the week #7: Algae Beer

in #beer7 years ago

Some beers are just... well.... weird. In this series I will feature the most bizarre beers out there. Some might have unusual ingredients, others might have a strange colour and more others might actually be just as interesting to taste as they are bizarre.

Last week we had seaweed, this week we stay in the water: Algae beer

Spirulina Beer


Green algae is believed to be healthy for you. So this beer from Myanmar is believed to slow down your aging process. A beer that keeps you young forever! Hurraaaaay! The brewers claim that the healthy components of this beer actually compensate for the effects of alcohol on your liver. You can have as much as you want of it.

Personally, I'm not gonna try this anytime soon because I just think it is weird and I'm gonna hate it anyway. But feel free if you want this ultimate healthy super duper hipster thingy from Asia.

Brewery: Mandalay Brewery, Myanmar
Beer style: Spirulina beer
Alcohol: 5 %

Did you ever have this one? Comment below and share your tasting experience.

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More bizarre beers:

Blue Beer
Elephant Poo Beer
Pizza Beer
Bacon Beer
Bull Testicle Beer
Seaweed Beer


@davenumero6 yum yum ;) I am not sure this one is for me!

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