Cucumber Sour Ale z Browaru Funky Fluid

in #beerlast month

Cucumber Sour Ale z Browaru Funky Fluid
Styl: Flavored Sour / Cucumber Sour Ale
Ekstrakt: 10,5 % wag.
Alkohol: 4,0 % obj.
Goryczka: ? IBU (własna skala browaru: 1/5)

Warka ważna do 29.09.2024.

Aromat: wali ogórem xD.

Smak: no zielony ogórek, jak w mordę strzelił.
Potem mocny kwasek.
Sporo agrestu.
Zielone jabłuszko.

Dziwne piwo, ale na plus, mimo że ta cena to też normalna nie jest.

Cena: 15,50 zł.

Cucumber Sour Ale from Funky Fluid Brewery
Style: Flavored Sour / Cucumber Sour Ale
Extract: 10.5% by weight
Alcohol: 4.0% by volume
Bitterness: ? IBU (brewery's own scale: 1/5)

Best before: September 29, 2024

Aroma: Smells like cucumber xD.

Taste: Definitely tastes like fresh cucumber. Then comes a strong acidity. Plenty of gooseberry. Green apple notes.

A peculiar beer, but surprisingly enjoyable despite its oddity. The price seems fair for what it offers.

Price: 15,50 zł.