
in #beersaturday4 years ago

So I’ve posted a few other beers from Lone Pine. This is the last beer they wanted me to promote. It’s call Oh-j and it was worth wait. I’ve enjoyed all the beers I’ve tried and that’s not free beer talking. I will say Oh-j is second best of the group. My only knock is that it’s a bit sweeter than I like.


I think it’s pretty cool that you can make money and get free product promoting to your audience. The original post were in traditional social media. I’d like to maybe expand my media portfolio to promote on blockchains, but for most small businesses that kind of scares them.

I think blockchain still has a bad image and I don’t know how long it’s going to take to change that Image. I do think we have made progress as Bitcoin has become more main stream so hopefully we will be able to change that with hive. I see multiple campaigns on traditional social media which I’m support they are also starting to get some traction.

Now back to the beer review! The appearance is beautiful like a fresh pressed glass of orange juice. There’s a nice white rocky head that fades to some clinging lace on the rim of the glass.


The aroma is sweet with citrus notes. You can definitely pick out some orange notes like the name implies. The flavor is slightly less sweet than the aroma, but it leans on that sweetness. It’s filled with citrus and some slightly hoppy notes. You also get some of that alcohol flavor that adds to the sweetness.



The mouthfeel is slight slick and medium bodied. There’s a decent amount carbonation that adds to these characteristics. It’s a good drinking experience and worth purchasing.


Overall, I’ve really enjoyed these beers. It’s been a pleasure helping this brewery promote their products. I’m very excited that I’m able to promote this product on the blockchain as this is the new frontier of media.



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That is a really pretty looking beer. The fact that it is a bit sweeter makes me think that I might enjoy it even though it is an IPA. I would definitely be willing to give it a shot. I will have to look at the store next time I am there and see if they have this. Do you know if it is seasonal or something the do year round?