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RE: #Beersaturday, two unusual packaged beers and some home brewing

in #beersaturday2 years ago

That is quite the set up. Super cool.
I've brewed from extract several times and once with extract and a small amount of specialty grains. I've never done an all grain brew before though. I'm impressed.

The amount of time it takes for all grain makes sense 4-8 hours. There's a lot of work involved, especially when you factor in cleaning and sanitizing. I think brewing is one of those hobbies that you have to enjoy the process to make it worth while.

What's the difference in cost between extract and all grain? if you don't mind sharing :)


you are exactly right the cleaning and sanitizing is a long process in itself. The overall savings of all grain is minimal just a few dollars a 5 gallon batch.


Hey @leaky20, here is a little bit of BEER from @scoutroc for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.