Beer Saturday: Great Northern


So I'm throwing down a #beersaturday post in @detlev challenge to show you all what I drank on new years. It's not en easy decision when making, what beer suites the occasion. But what better beer to drink in a dry climate on the Murray River in the outback other than a beer that was made for it?


See, most people opt for water and because there aren't any waterlines up here. Alot of the water needs to be brought in. Water tanks often run dry so you always need a beverage on hand.

I chose the Great Northern. A beer first brewed in 1927 in Cairns. Australia's tropics. A crisp mid strength lagar made for this climate.


And a great beer to have while doing the Aussie favourites like yabbying in a damn in the middle of no where.

Happy New Year everyone!


That last shot pretty much sums up how crisp and refreshing this beer is.

It also makes me think that I should summer in Canada and winter in Oz yabbying the damn.

Cheers from hoserville eh?!?


It is beautiful down here, a wonderful place to go. Gets abit hot at times but there's always a river or dam to jump into to cool off.

The water looks a bit like the ponds where we had a swim.

Was in the Flinders where my friends try to keep 5000 sheeps alive...

🤣🤣🤣 got to do it some way.

We went yabbying in here. It was quite fun caught a few but put them back as we didn't get enough. Great experience for my lil one.

I'm thinking about posting about it but not sure in which community

add a beer and post it for #BeerSaturday ;-)

with a

I tried but not sure if I entered it properly lol