Concurso Behind The Photo - Edición # 7 /Figures in the sand

in #behindthephoto4 years ago (edited)


I took these images in a spontaneous way, planning a shot like these becomes a challenge since the sea comes and goes making different figures that you will not be able to repeat since each time they will be different.

I found these in what I call a find, now in addition to the horizon and the seascape I look for figures in the sand.
Walking to the seashore I found some beautiful figures where the sea expressed the art of removing the sands with its waves resembling brushes that decorate the entrance to him.

They seem to enjoy capturing the strange but striking figures, just waiting for the exact moment that a passerby can capture them with his camera before the next wave undoes them.


Beautiful but ethereal figures where only some lucky ones will have the pleasure of enjoying them since they disappear in ephemeral minutes or seconds.

I think I am that fortunate I managed to capture the abstract art of the waves of the sea, from that moment, I wanted to have a camera, since my images are made with the phone, I always try to place them without any filter or arrangement.

I enjoy photographing what I like and I find it interesting or worthy that it is immortalized in an image, although I know that I need some knowledge and more practice this of photography is also an art, and not everyone has that gift of capturing the precise moment where the Photographic image speak for itself.

If you wish to participate you can find the instructions in the followinglink

The images were used in a different content post,

Thank you for visiting my blog


Hola @naylet, muchas gracias por participar en nuestro concurso pero, desafortunadamente, no incluyes enlace al post de esta edición del concurso (este) y sin eso no lo podemos dar como válido, al ser una de las reglas. Si quieres editar y añadirlo, avísame cuando lo hayas hecho y lo cambiaremos a válido y lo tendremos en cuenta para el premio final.

Saludos :)

Hola, gracias por avisarme, ya incluí el enlace al post.