Something Wonderful is About To Happen

in #beliefs6 years ago

Something Wonderful is About To Happen

There are ups and downs in life, it is not a secret and we all believe is that way. How about if you change a little bit your perception of life and expect something wonderful is about to happen everyday? I strongly believe you could get something good to happen everyday.


We all are in this wonderful journey of life where awesome things can happen as well as pretty bad things. The bottom line about all this is what you have in your heart. Whatever good is in there, you should embrace it everyday of your life to change for the better.

I post these words everyday not to tell you I am angel in life, because I'm not. I am just a regular human being like you are with the same feelings with hunger of success and spiritual development. You have so much potential with the energy you put out to the universe everyday that you have not idea of what you can really do.

I believe if you expect the best and be prepare for the worst, you can achieve a lot of good things everyday without exception in life. Your belief and view of your reality can improve in a positive way what your real potential really is.

Always believe something wonderful is about to happen, because it can happen. Blessings to All!


"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.


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Very beautiful thought of positivity. I wish that" wonderful "should happen in your life too in near future. You are becoming a great guru of spirituality in the steemit world. Good luck and happy day friend.

I totally appreciate it my friend. I do the best I can. Many blessings :)

Thanks my dear friend, have a great day.

We have both good and bad choices, if we will think positive and expect something good is going to happen it will give us courage and we will not feel depressed. The best thing is it doesn't cost any thing and it's a great way to keep ourselves away from negativities.

hope for the best no matter how bad the situation is :)

Sure my friend we learn everything in life. Up and down. Streaks and falls. Those who belong to the lower classes of society see the groups at the top of the ladder of success, believing that they were able to reach what they reached easily.
Life is full of ups and downs, and if it is not, it will be boring! If you can achieve your goals and go away, this will have a positive impact on your feelings. Life is not without moments of happiness and celebration, in exchange for moments of sadness during which you prefer not to leave your home. No problem crying! Accept your feelings as they are, they are a true expression of what you are living. Will emerge from the situation more powerful than the other side

The quote is about saying positive and looking for the best in the worst situations. It's about recognizing certain events or opportunities that can be life changing.

You gaving us interesting topic now @javybar. We all have our own idea and perceptions of what wonderful is. Hopefully as you journey through your life you will experience some wonderful things. The better affirmation will save far more nervous energy: The wonderful is all around me. Life is wonder. I wonder at everything. I work to find my succeed.

Very well said @javybay We should enjoy the life with positive attitude. Positive attitude is all about to do your best effort and remain hopeful everyday bring some thing happen for you. There is a famous proverb
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. So you should follow this proverb. Some thing wonderful is about to happen give you positive energy and this positive energy is required to live happy and healthy life. keep sharing @javybar

@javybar, That's pretty awesome quote indeed motivation conversation. For everything, we must need to believe. Belief bringing any life goals. Every decisions we created definitely take a responsibility our life. In fact, Spiritual development must need to win our life. Look at your teenager period. Now everything was changed and some things we won.

I strongly believe you could get something good to happen everyday.

Yep..definitely we can find it and if we add daily attitude it will be great option to find success.

Totally agree with you my friend, wise words in here. thank you for your opinion and kind words :)

Bien @javybar , asi se hace , cada dia una actitud positiva , un deseo que veamos ya logrado , vibraciones hacia el universo visualizandonos mucho mejor , de lo malo saquemos lo bueno .
Feliz semana mi niño :)

awww muchas gracias por los animos y cariños, que DIos me la siga bendiciendo :)

Golden words, my friend and I are just like you, a simple person, but I believe with all my heart that my life can change for the better if I strongly desire this and set myself the goal of translating all the best into life! We can have many obstacles in this way, but my faith and desire are stronger than all problems! Thank you @javybar

Of course! Faith is what make things possible by believing big time. Keep going big my friend :)

Awesome !!! I believe on myself, happy moments are coming in my life, so I neve feel dishearten and never sad, cuz i believe something wonderful happen in life :)

Those are wonderful words my friend. The more you do it, the more you get it, take care :)

I really agree with you @javybar. thank you for the tremendous motivation. We must believe in ourselves take on our challenges. Every decisions we created definitely take a responsibility our life. Thanks for your golden words friend

Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going...

that's right! You keep going all the time :)

your support always helped me my own work in the steemit giving support always.. i wish that of luck and take care od your health. i want you always stayed my sides and inspired my work.obviously its my goodluck that,god giving a good and best friend as like you. i appreciate your post every time..I completely agree with you, my friend you are allright dear.if you believe doing yourself and then other person belief happen may something different its just wonderfull if you belief this word and respect this sentence.. so if we believe something good is always about happening it will surely do one,believing a first best step of receive some hapen wonderfull in our life.. thanks to sharing for your good thought post.. dear.. friend.. @javybar

You are very welcome my friend. Thank you for all your kind words :)

Its always my pleasure.because you always encourage my work.thank you for your good support dear...friend ....@javybar

I accept with everything that is in me that my life can improve in the event that I unequivocally want this and set myself the objective of making an interpretation of all the best into life

very nice!

Another superb content..@javybar
We should believe in everything until something disproved. So we believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in our mind.

That's right, Beliefs are the only feelings that can create reality even if people think the reality is only fairies :)

Every man has a dream to be a succeeded man in own life to fulfill it . To be positive and to trust himself that Yes, I will do it and must do it. We have to keep faithfulness to himself. This is the very important for our life. Really your worthy word touch my heart . Thank @javybar for sharing this inspirational post with us.

Very touching! you are very welcome :)

If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. Believing in your slef and the path you are walking on is very important.

great quote!

Yes you are right and ups and downs are part of life but the main thing is to face them and how we can face all the is matter and some time after some down suddenly some thing wonderful happened @javybar thanks for sharing great thoughts you always share great and motivational words

your thought always perfect dear.. a person if belief myself obviously something just happen may magic in her life.its absolutely real. your post really very good motivation and inspiration of every steemians..i agree your opinion..thanks to sharing for your good post.. dear.. friend.. @javybar.. very well done..

it is an honor to inspire you my friend, thank you :)

I agree with you @javybar friend, Good and bad times come in life. But I hope to always have something to do.i belief improvment.

I am 100% agree with you Really we should not lost our expect always we should believe something will good in our life

awesome post,very purposeful,another superb content, good job,my dear friend @javybar, so much for sharing this insparing post..dear....God ilke this post all time,

it is a pleasure my friend, stay blessed

As you are right. A good mood is the key to success in everything. Positive attitude can change life for the better. Positive mood allows you to enjoy every day and thank fate for the wonderful world in which we live. Be optimistic, exude light and joy, infect other people with good mood, then you will not only be happy yourself, but also give a piece of good to others. Thanks for the motivation @javybar

Wonderful words and insides my friend, We appreciate it very much :)

We all are in this wonderful journey of life where awesome things can happen as well as pretty bad things. The bottom line about all this is what you have in your heart. Whatever good is in there, you should embrace it everyday of your life to change for the better.

So Cool!! Strongly agree with you!

And what's more beautiful? I think there is nothing else, other than a heart that is always grateful, Precise!

The most beautiful greetings for you my friend!

Awesome comment and I totally agree with you my friend. Have a nice day! :)

yeah my crush will finally accept my proposal tomarrow!
that is something wonderfull i am expecting right now
man you fill our souls with positivity

Really??? that's awesome! Hope for the best and be prepare for the worst :)

yeah really !
this time i have prepared only for best
i am looking for some positive results only

I def wish you the best my friend!

thankyou dear friend!

yes obviously sir... really liked your content... we really should believe that something wonderful is about to happen. if we are starting believing this we can be more confident to do our everyday work with interest. ☺

Always believe something wonderful is about to happen, because it can happen.

Very true! Something beautiful will happen because we every day strive for it. I think there is no futile struggle. A grateful heart becomes the key to beauty in life.
Have a wonderful day @javybar!

Totally agree with you. Have a wonderful day as well :)

Very right my friend ups and down are a part of life and happiness is surely come in life with different ways and awesome thing happen. Believing on yourself is the first part and i agree with your every words you said 😊

Wonderful words! thanks :)

Exactly not anyone is angel here we all are human beings working to get reputation and success. And yes if we think positive or we belive that something good is going to happen then we can achieve many things in life. If we think positive then many doors open for us in different directions.

all we can do is try my friend. Nothing to lose, lots to gain. stay blessed :)

Yes we can try our best to get the best.

of course ...All the joys and sadness belong to the psychology of a person .If a person always thinks about sadness and worried then his mind and situation will be according to that thinking .
so we should always think positive and do positive in our life because positivity can create happiness and satisfaction in life
thanks for sharing such a motivational suggestion

In the event that you think doing yourself and after that other individual conviction happen may something other than what's expected its fair wonderfull on the off chance that you conviction this word and regard this sentence.. so on the off chance that we think something great is constantly about happening it will without a doubt complete one,believing a first best advance of get some hapen wonderfull in our life.

accepting is the initial step to accomplishing anything in life,so in the event that we think something great is constantly about happening it will doubtlessly complete one day. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing ur thought.

it is always my pleasure to share this content my friend, thank you :)

I belive in something awesome for the duration of regular day to day existence. At whatever point in actuality something beautiful can happen. @javybar

that helps a lot! keep doing it :)

Life reveals to us that life has wonderful circumstances and pitiful circumstances. In any case, regardless we need to battle throughout everyday life and not lose hope

in our local language there is a term:
that means everything is arranged by God, then when we receive the bitterness of our life we actually turn it into a real happiness

Interesting, Thanks :)

i salute with @avybar, we all never feel the bitterness in life, but you always able to surprise to other people even if possible while giving your own in a state of bitterness, best wishes always make you @ javybar ,, may blessing all of us

I appreciate you great comment my friend. It is always a pleasure for me :)

Everyone has some good and sad happening in life but to be happy and satisfied in all sort of circumstances is really wonderful..

We all struggle and achieve some success, embrace the good things! :)

Totally concur with you, my companion you are allright dear.if you think doing yourself and after that other individual conviction happen may something else its fair wonderfull in the event that you conviction this word and regard this sentence. so in the event that we think something great is constantly about happening it will without a doubt complete one,believing a first best advance of get some hapen wonderfull in our life. on account of sharing for your great idea post. @javybar

you are very welcome my friend :)

great post,good job,my dear friend @javybar,Believing in your slef and the path you are walking on is very important.thanks for share,

true feeling with your comment, thank you very much :)

Great things occurs after each hardest time in nearly everybody's life ordinary and without fail. We don't feel awful when we are confronting terrible things throughout our life


We all have our own idea and perceptions of what 'wonderful' is. Hopefully as you journey through your life you will experience some wonderful things. When I got married it was wonderful. When I had my two children it was wonderful. Now I have two grandchildren and one on the way it is wonderful. The fact that I have just beaten cancer is wonderful.

Thank you for the wonderful words, my friend @javybar, and I totally agree with you that we must be ready for the good and the bad in our lives. The bad teaches us and we analyze the mistakes, the good gives us more faith and strength in achieving our goals and dreams! It all depends on ourselves and our faith!

Very well said! :)

Always should be think positively.
Positive thinking can reach us to the success way.
We should think something happen and its must be wonderfull for our life.
We are the human being ,God's best creature of the world.
So we should makes our life beautiful by using proper path .
Thanks for your motivational speech @javybar
I always impress to you for such type of post.
I waiting for your next post.

thank you!!!

Yeah believing is the first step to achieving anything in life,so if we believe something good is always about happening it will surely do one day... thanks for sharing ur thought

very true my friend :)

Good things happens after every hardest time in almost everyone's life everyday and every time. We don't feel bad when we are facing bad things in our life. Instead, defeat the bad things and WELCOME to good things which are going to happen in your life. :)

you sound like a real fighter to me! Keep it up :)

hey nice to see you @javybar. your post always inspire me.dear..this line. i like so much"I believe if you expect the best and be prepare for the worst, you can achieve a lot of good things everyday without exception in life. " so much for sharing this insparing post..dear....God

it is a pleasure! you are very welcome. nice seeing you :)

yeah.dear..again thanks a lot..

I believe if you expect the best and be prepare for the worst, you can achieve a lot of good things everyday without exception in life.

I strongly agree with this quote..! 👌

A hopeless man will always be depressed, his life will have no meaning..! We should always be positive and live the life to its fullest..!

I really appriciate ur daily dose of inspiring words..! 🙌

u r helping people to jump out from their sorrows and build hope for their future..!!

Keep the good work going..!

~ Tennis Girl 🎾🎾

It is a pleasure to wake people up for the better. Glad you joined the good cause :)

glad to join here..! 🙌

I belive in something good in life. At any time it is true that something beautiful can happen.
Very nice your writing @javybar

of course!!! thanks :) Started following you. Welcome to daily motivational postings :)

Thnks for follow me.i like motivational post @javybar

I believe, when you expect good you will get good. Its true that sometimes things are not in your favor but your thoughts should be positive. If you don't get the desired results, it would be better for you in some other way.

Your posts are very inspiring and contains a great motivation inside. Keep them coming.

You are very welcome my friend, stay blessed :)

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