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RE: The Daily Meme #487!

in #berkman2 years ago

My parents and grandparents endured a lot of hardship under communism. However socialism has some benefits like free ( or almost free ) healthcare, I wouldn't want to live in a country that you're more scared for your bank account than your life when you go to the hospital cough USA cough


My mom had a DNR to prevent medical bills from taking all her money and property..

Any 'communism' that used a currency wasn't communism.
It was crapitalism wrapped in some bs marketing deceptions.

In communism we go the warehouses drop off what we made and pickup what we need to make it until we can get back to the warehouse again.
Small manufacturers make everything, mostly at home.
Large manufacturers do exist, but are co-ops and not hierarchies.
One man can't fire you, but the collective can.

Did you ever learn about Kropotkin in skool?
I didn't.
There is a link to download it so you can read it offline and share it with your friends.