
I love the impatient recording releases. I've downloaded these before, and soooo happy someone releases them. Thank you very much.

It is true, Peercoin is undervalued, but other scam coins (or hollow technology) seem to do well on the list above Peercoin simply because they are popular today...

I'm normally a shy person. But I felt strongly about this enough to talk about it. I'm resteeming this post. If you like what I said and want to hear more, please follow @intelliguy

If you read this far, and didn't hear the audio yet.... scroll back up and push the PLAY button on the soundcloud archive on this post. It is an orange > icon

I love the impatient recording releases

I'm glad the time I spend on these recordings is appreciated !

Posting this week recordings right now ;)

There should also be a T.V show lol.
Kimdly follow back

There are a lot of ppl present at this radio show. A TV one would be very messy. :'D

oooh okay was just sharing a thought

Perfect .
Good job @glitterfart

No prob man, I'm glad the time I spend on these recordings is appreciated !

SCAMCOINS ??? O yes !!!

For me DOGE is scamcoin - It was released as joke not as quick currency ~ a year after WDC, or FTC... It was annonced it russian forum a week before release. DOGE store in blockchane zeroooooos, it will die anyway....

Ripple is scamcoin - no ICO.. all the coins from air. Centralised.

NXT - Scamcoin... Premined, no any ICO.. coins from air, buy it stupid people...

Namecoin - is not scamcoin, but is overvalued. It is mined as bonus from BTC, don't have his face, his value.
I bought 50 domains on namecoin... In 9 months - only 5 visitors :slight_smile: All the darknet is on Tor (.onion)
NMC is unutile...

and other....

The crypto world is tough and fill with frustrations but fortunately, there is also lots of opportunities ;D

Thanks for the informative post!

No prob my lady, I'm glad the time I spend on these recordings is appreciated !

Solid post. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Blockchain is the fututure but how are we gonna kill all those scamy cryptos out there? An interesting website I found: Every single coin can be analysed here based on: the team, the product, advisors, community, the business and the business model and much more. Check: To see the: Nxt Investment research report.