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RE: Larimer Resigns from DAC. Reading between the Lines...?

in #beyondbitcoin7 years ago (edited)

What makes that obvious to you out of curiosity?

I agree that his work on steem is largely done if his goal is to launch many chains and do what satoshi did after creating btc: giving it to the community to govern and either float or let sink.

Like Dan said, steemits biggest hurdles right now are UI and that is not his skillset.

Thanks for your response and i look forward to hearing your thoughts.


I think we have different perspecitves on forking. The only reason btc hasnt had that many is because they know they can never gain consensus like we can.
Hard forking is nwither good nor bad. When it is necessary it is necessary but that depends on the community.

Well look at it the other way, if his vision had been perfect then we wouldn't have had any hard forks.