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RE: BitShares Hangout #28 - 2017-07-07 - OpenSource Agenda [WhaleShare and BeyondBit Payments Based on Post Payouts!]

in #beyondbitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Interested in BitShares DEX?

If you're interested in what BitShares is, I recently posted on this topic in Why You Should Go Decentralized All In; A Quick Guide to BitShares DEX

We go trough the benefits of a DEX compared to a central exchange.

Vote @sc-steemit for Steemit Witness.

Proud Supporter of the Cryptocurrency Gridcoin


Are you joining to talk about this?

I'm unable to attend live sadly. It's not my best available hour of the day 😶

Would love to speak about the DEX at some point soon when I go on holiday from work and might be able to attend live.