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RE: That Look When You Suddenly Realize That All The Bid Bot Posts Actually Belong on the Promoted Tab

in #bidbot6 years ago

If a post used a bid bot but gets enough other votes to be in trending, should it still be moved to promoted? Or just if it’s in trending only because of the bid bot?

Posted using Partiko iOS


Any post that is paid gets moved to Promoted

Posted using Partiko iOS

So then if someone wants to knock someone off the trending page they just pay a little for a bid bot vote?

Or, if I buy a vote for someone else (I actually did this recently to help out someone in need), then that would automatically ruin their chances of getting on trending?

I’m all for making trending better, just wondering how it can be made to work without creating other problems.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah let’s enlist some intelligent people on this. The incentives will lessen for this behavior so there will be other ways besides paying a bidbot to help someone out. Maybe we start out with paid bids from the same account as a starting point

Posted using Partiko iOS