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RE: Steem Survey: Should The Posts That Have Used Bidbots Be Moved to the Promoted Tab?

in #bidbot6 years ago



Personally, I think bidbots should be banned outright, as explained in my proposals (link) but this is an EXCELLENT 2nd choice.

Bidbots have become, largely, unprofitable to use in-and-of-themselves. Their use is motivated by the desire to get into Hot & Trending to gain additional exposure, and hence, additional upvotes. Such rankings are also meant to attract the attention of curation-bots that scan such Pages.

By removing them from Hot and Trending, you remove the economic incentive of using them (Demand). Moreover, as bidbots require a critical mass of users to remain profitable, a diminishment of users would undoubtedly cause many bidbot owner/operators to close shop (Supply).

The only fly in the ointment is that, to be effective, most of the UI's would have to agree to this implementation ... and a lot of bidbots (and UI's) are owned and operated by Whales and Witnesses.

And hence, my more "insistent" proposal that they be banned outright, and the creation of an independent enforcement system to ensure compliance ... the adoption of which, of course, would also require Whale/Witness support. Arrgh. :-)

In either case, we'd need to start a movement! I'd like to see a referendum ... one person, one vote (not stake-weighted) about some basic blockchain reforms. If there was super-majority support and the Whales and Witnesses ignored it, they'd be committing Steemicide.

In the next couple of months, a number of competitive crypto-social-media platforms will be going live and Steemit will finally have to start competing for users. Ignoring the wishes of the masses ... is an excellent way to become mass-less.



Hahahahaha well there are dApp developers who are neither whales nor witnesses. They will be true disruptors of Steem. You should also take a peek into UA as that is a healthy initiative too

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