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RE: How Did Our Bid Bot Experiment Go?

in #bidbots6 years ago (edited)

Some of you might be interested in what @drumoperator had to say re: Bid Bots Discussion and while ur at it, check out his awesome live performance of this futuristic original track!

“A note on promotion: I'm about to blast this post into the heavens with some bots, using fiat I'd otherwise be shipping into Steemit regardless. I realize people have mixed opinions about this sort of practice, but I put the better part of four days into this video, and as somebody with two decades in the music industry, I am long since calloused to the concept of exposure = time + money. I have experimented with botting before, and have empirically come to the conclusion that it is a loss leader where we accept the reality of "trending" and exposure on Steemit, and pay ... both for access + exposure and, slightly more ideologically, to take something I've put serious sweat equity into and blast it past (some) spammy content taking up space. In an ideal world, obviously I'd love to not do this. Anybody thinking you turn a profit whatsoever on a bid bot exchange needs to give it a whirl. My last three engagements netted about a 30 percent loss on sbd invested vs. recoup in the end, even including the value of some upvotes I don't normally land. It's certainly not a profitable tactic. It is, however, a way to invest SBD I'm planning on shipping into Steem one way or another in this ridiculously buy-friendly market. I am simply choosing to take a 30 percent loss in exchange for me getting something I worked my ass off a bit more visibility and hopefully net some new followers for the kind of music content I'm trying to get out there.”


Couldn’t have said it better myself! 😉