Biden Drops Out, Now What?

in #biden2 months ago (edited)

Despite looking like he would hang on and finish the contest in November, President Joe Biden announced today that he was quitting the race. In a note on X, the President wrote:

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term,"

I never believe in kicking a man when he's down, so I hope that those who didn't like him will show some class and let him have a dignified exit.

It's the right thing to do.

Now if he really wanted to help Harris, he'd RESIGN the office of President and give her that mantle to wear during the campaign.

Cause she's gonna need all the help she can get...

When I think of Harris, what comes to mind is her rolling cackle when she laughs. I don't quite know if she realizes quite how off-putting it is, but hopefully she has people around her suggesting she tone it down.

If it were up to me, I wouldn't run Harris due to her many negatives. If the democrats are to have a real hope of beating Trump, they need to find some way of convincing Michelle Obama to run.

But she CLEARLY doesn't want it and has said no many, many times. In fact, I can see her in my minds eye VIGORUSLY shaking her head at the very question.

I think she had originally planned to run after her husbands stint in the White House, but saw something (who knows, evidence of aliens or something?), and said "fuck that, I'm out!"). I picture her bringing Barack a cup of coffee, and walking in on a national security briefing about the 'Alien Threat' and shouting "that shit's for real?" she drops her cup and runs out of the room, now wanting nothing to do with being President...

She saw something she wasn't supposed to see and suddenly had no interest in being President, NONE.

A dream ticket (if it were possible), might be Michelle O and RFK. Or her and Gavin Newsom. But a Harris/Trump debate? I just don't see that going well for her should she get the nod.

Trump simply has to keep his foot on the gas and not do anything crazy. Just wallow in the goodwill generated after the shooting, and continue wooing those crucial centrists and moderates.

Either way it is an absolute mess now on the democrat side, with the DNC convention just 4 weeks away. So buckle up! It's gonna be one hell of a race!

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Trump didn't dissect Biden during the debate, because he probably saw an old friend who was no longer really there. "Its the right thing to do"

The dems should run RFK, but they need someone they can control. (and win)

I think they will try to run Hitlery again, but i do not feel she will make it to election.

I wish it was something that small that scared Big Mike.

The best i can hope for is that both parties die.

They were talking up Harris/Whitmer earlier this week as an all-female ticket. That puts Michigan in play for the Dems, as they're still behind in that state. Whitmer is reportedly "not interested" so we'll see.

You're right about RFK, they hate him, but he represents Camelot II for a lot of people, so I completely understand the reports from last year (which Trump denied), of trying to snag him as his veep.

"Big Mike" lol!

I think the dems best chance is to get Barack to work Michelle O' but I really think she means it when she says "No."

Don't underestimate Kamala, she's a stronger opponent for Trump than for the 2020 primary candidates. As a former prosecutor, she can call him a convicted felon and a confirmed rapist now. She is a goofball, but you can't honestly call her weirder than Trump.

It's too late to give her the top job now, she needs to be campaigning full-time. Biden should have given her a bigger role as VP.

The Dems can now use the 'too old' argument that voters from both sides kept bringing up, while they can neutralize JD Vance by running a governor from Appalachia or the Rust Belt for VP. It's a better situation than anything they could have planned.

I'll give her this: She'll be "present" in a way that Joe wasn't at that first debate, and I like the prosecutor/felon angle, and am sure she'll pounce with that on any debates they have if she ends up being the nominee (as is expected).

But don't underestimate the negative effect that laugh, or rather cackle has on people. It's like fingers on a chalkboard. She doesn't seem to be doing it as much lately, maybe the people around her have illuminated the issue for her.

You make a good point about not making her Pres right now, although the bully pulpit of the presidency can be a very helpful asset.

Her choice of Veep will be CRUCIAL. Vance locks in Ohio for Trump, and he appeals to the diehard MAGA and will cetainly help him in my swing state of Pennsylvania. If she can convince Michelle O' or RFK to run with her, then things start to get interesting.

If she picks Witmer, that locks in Michigan for the dems. I expect Trump to take PA, so that leaves Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia (which Warnock can help with), along with Nevada and Arizona (which I think will be split between the two campaigns). It's gonna be tight on election day, but Michelle O' just might be the key that unlocks the presidency for Harris.

The puppet show called (US) elections continues...

Tell me about it, right? Now everything's up in the air and I haven't got a clue who I'm voting for in November. Hope you got my msg about your gift, thanks! :) I went to that new Bitcoin ATM today and made a test buy, but of course, CrowdStrike is wreaking havoc. A transaction that used to take just over an hour, now has an open-ended timeframe for me to get my BTC. A note on the machine says "Due to IT issues, it may take at least 24 hours for transactions to go through" lol!

I had to laugh about the whole crowdstrike situation, when I read about all the companies in The Netherlands having issues ( including airports ) due to them all running Microsoft Windows. Glad I changed to UBUNTU myself, recently ;>)

And yeah, all politics has seemed like puppetry to me for quite some time but now it's more visible than ever...