Do we know what we have to do?

in #biden3 years ago


“These fires are blinking ‘code red’ for our nation. They’re gaining frequency and ferocity,” Biden said after concluding an aerial tour of the Caldor Fire that threatened communities around Lake Tahoe. “We know what we have to do.”
-- as reported by WaPo

So today, President Biden proclaimed that “We know what we have to do” about forest fires and climate change. Really? Who is “we”? “We” is probably not Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

If Biden had told us two months ago, “We know what we have to do about Afghanistan,” should we have believed him? What if he now tells us, “We know what we have to do about China” or “We know what we have to do about inflation” or “We know what we have to do about COVID”? Should we trust him, that he knows what to do or that the people around him know what to do?

I trust Joe Biden to ask for a lot of money to solve a lot of problems. But I don’t trust that the billions and trillions of dollars that will be allocated by Congress to his administration will truly solve the problems they’re supposed to. If he gets all the money he seeks, will fewer forests burn? Will fewer people die of COVID? Will America be safer or more prosperous or better educated? I don’t know, but right now I have no faith that the money spent by our federal government will produce the desired results.