13 Reasons to Believe in BigFoot

in #bigfoot7 years ago (edited)

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This article is for anyone who has NOT had a BigFoot experience, because if you have had an encounter, then you already know BigFoot is real. i have not had an experience myself, and basically, this article will attempt to explain why i believe in the existence of these Creatures.


There will always be hoaxes, and they will always be sensationalized, and i will get into that towards the end.

#1 LloydPye.jpg
In 1999 a gentleman by the name of Lloyd Pye gave a lecture, based on his book, titled, "Everything you Know is Wrong". One of the many things that i took away from this lecture, was that, from a Biological standpoint, a creature like BigFoot ought to Exist. Something that came before the Neanderthal Man. Pye shows evidence that Neanderthal Man is far removed from Homo-sapiens; and what we know of the early hominid skeletons out of Africa, like Lucy, and others that came after that, is that they do follow a sequence of developmental features, up to this walking upright creature that we call Neanderthal Man. Pye didn't believe in Darwinism as we know it; he believed in Evolution to a point, but shows clearly that there really ought to be a missing link that came before Neanderthal, and fills in the natural progression of the early Hominids. He demonstrates how all of the early Hominids up to and including Neanderthal, are much more well adapted to the planet, than Homo-Sapiens, and everything we know about BigFoot, falls in line, with everything we know about the early Hominids.

#2 Grover Krantz : Grover Krantz cast.jpg

Grover Krantz was an American Anthropologist, and a Primatologist; he also specialized in early Hominid Skeletal features. He was one of the first Scientists with the right educational background, to really take a good hard look at the evidence. Throughout his career Krantz Authored more than sixty Academic Articles, and ten Books, pertaining to Human Evolution. Mr. Krantz career was based in Academia, and he risked, basically everything to study BigFoot; he couldn't get funding, he was denied tenure, and the respect of his peers, yet, through scientific reasoning, he maintained a consistent belief in the existence of the creatures.

#3 The Cripple Foot Casts : bossburg DonByington-ivan marx70.jpg

The Cripple Foot Casts were made from tracks at Bossburg Washington in December of 1969. It was actually one of these casts that convinced Mr. Krantz that BigFoot was real. Remember, Mr. Krantz was not only a Primatologist, but also an expert in the Skeletal Anatomy of early Hominids. So he was able to see things in this cast that most people would have never even considered; for instance dermal ridges, and the elongated toes; it was evident to him that they were much more flexible than human toes; that this creature could spread it's toes for greater stability, and he knew which bones were broken, and how it would have healed.
BrokenFoot BigFoot.jpg

He concluded that the tracks had to have been made by an animal roughly eight feet tall, and eight hundred pounds. Now, all of this completely convinced Krantz, who argued that a hoax required someone who was incredibly familiar with the anatomy of the Human hand, who was able to make the connection between a non-opposable thumb, and the absence of a Thenar eminence, which refers to the group of muscles in the palm of the hand, at the base of the thumb. This led to Krantz's first publication on the subject of BigFoot, with an article entitled "Sasquatch Handprints", and it appeared in the Journal of North American Research Notes in 1971. Dr. Krantz was a man who stood in his Truth until his dying day. He always said, that definitive proof required a body.

#4 Dr. Jeff Meldrum :
Jeff MeldrumTRACK.jpg
Dr. Meldrum is a Professor of Anatomy, and Anthropology, at Idaho State University. Meldrum has published numerous Academic papers, ranging from vertebrae evolutionary morphology, the emergence of bipedal locomotion in Humans, and Sasquatch, and is a co-owner of a series of books on Paleontology. What Dr. Meldrum and others have done, with the continual presentation of new evidence, in the form of these tracks, is to further the research on the Dermal Ridges, and the Mid-tarsal break.

#5 Dermal ridges : Just like the soles of our feet, or our fingerprints, Sasquatch feet and hands have dermal ridges; which is evident when the track is left under the right conditions, and in the right substrate. There will always be fakes, and their will always be experts, who are able to weed out the fakes based on their knowledge and experience. HobbitFootDermalRidGes.jpg

Here you see a Hobbit foot, a prop from the film "the Lord of the Rings". This prosthetic foot has dermal ridges added for the sake of realism; but what cannot be faked however, are the many subtle nuances that are left, when a track is laid down; so much becomes evident. An example would be, that the Sasquatch toes curl under in mud or soft earth for traction, and the researchers refer to this spore as the "Peas in a Pod". There are other signs of how the toes are used in various types of terrain. You see, the Sasquatch foot is much different, and more complex than the Human foot.

Here is a picture of the Dermal ridges on the foot of a Sasquatch. Those deeper lines you see, are the crease marks, like we have in the palm of our hand, where it folds over; showing that there is more movement in the sasquatch feet (not just in the toes)..

#6 Mid-tarsal break :

This is an Anatomical structure in the foot that is peculiar to Primates! Something that Sasquatch have, that we do NOT.

You can see from this diagram that the Sasquatch foot bends differently, and is actually placed on the ground differently during the Stride, and it leaves a particular kind of track. I am not a scientist, but, this to me is evidence. I'm sure that many would like to disagree. To the skeptics i would like to recommend Tom Brown's Book "The Tracker" to get a greater understanding of how a track is "read", and to perhaps gain a better respect for the Art of Tracking..

#7 Bill Munns : bmcgsite001001.jpg

Mr. Munns is a Creature Designer, and a costume creator, who has worked for many years creating Creatures for Movies, Museum Exhibits, and WildLife Art. When he first saw the Patterson-Gimlin film; he was struck by the realism, from his perspective of a costume designer.

DetailedDIagram .jpg

What Bill Munns did for everyone, was get ahold of the original Patterson film from Mrs. Patterson and digitally remaster every single frame with the Sasquatch in it, and with a stabilization enhancement we were able to really see "Patty" for the First time!!

#8 M.K. Davis : MKDnPATTYFACE.jpg Just like in any new frontier there is always someone there to take it to a whole new level; and that man is M.K.Davis. He showed us "Patty" in a brand new light.


#9 The Patterson-Gimlin film: FACEofPATTY.jpg

which continues to reveal more and more as technology becomes available. Like this Close-up of Patty.

or the bulging Muscles in all the right places, and proportions..

Patterson enhancments.jpg

The jiggle in the walk (bouncing breasts), and the herniated muscle in her thigh, that in Humans is indicative of an Athletic injury.
Patty's herniation.jpg

In my opinion, anyone who thinks this is a costume, at this point, just does not want to believe. There is plenty of evidence, and i am only scratching the surface.

#10 NAcaveArtBF.jpg The indigenous cultures of the Land:
Even in places like Asia. Stories of these creatures are told by indigenous people all over the World, but especially in North America Sasquatch goes by many, many names, and their stories of them are as rich and varied as the native cultures who told them.  symbol of the Chehalis tribe.jpg

Most Native Americans refer to them as a type of people. Sometimes the stories related through the generations stated that they traded with each other, other times they were enemies, known to steal women from the Tribe.

One thing that is consistent in all the stories, is that these Creatures are Territorial. Sometimes Tribal members would call them out in the borderlands, and Sing to them, in order to appease them, and in turn, be left alone.
NAm-callingBF.jpg BFfamily.jpg

Again there is a tremendous amount of information on the subject.

#11 Historical accounts from Western Civilization : Our known History is filled with accounts of BigFoot. This is a Wood carving from Medieval Europe slaying what they called a "Wildman"; Depicting what can only be described as a Sasquatch. Notice the head height is as high as the Knight on horseback!

In North America since the very first colonial days, there have been reports of BigFoot type creatures. Which makes sense according to Lloyd Pye; they migrated across the bering land Bridge, just like some of the the Asian peoples, and they were possibly here for a lot longer than any Humans.

When Leif ericson settled with his little colony, in what today is known as New Foundland Canada, he encountered the Sasquatch, and they referred to them as "Huge, Hairy Men with a rank odor, and deafening shrieks, who towered above his own men".

I'm sure that when the Stone Age Solutreans (also known as the Clovis people) came here from Europe over 13,000 years ago; they encountered the Sasquatch as well.
StoneAge BigFoot Hunt.jpg

#12 Is for ALL the eye-witnesses who have already had an encounter; who don't have to believe, because they Know BigFoot is Real. Someday, i'd like to have an experience, but i'm old enough to know, to be careful what you wish for.


I can not vouch for the authenticity of Park bulletin # 7 - 12, but, i do know that Park Policy is to take note of an encounter, but not to File an official report, and that is a fact.


In regard to these eye-witness accounts; they cannot all be real, but given the preponderance of evidence available, they cannot all be fake either. We could argue which percent is real, and which percent is fake, but you see, that only proves my point; That a Relic Population of Hominids Exists in North America Today!
In the 1960's and 70's Parks and logging operations, were opening up roads that would now provide access to places that people could not previously get to without undue hardship. So you had a clash of Species.

#13 The Government Cover-up : Lightning.jpg

Another reason i believe in BigFoot is the "Official" government cover-up. Deny, Repudiate, Controvert, It's NOT a conspiracy, it's a Policy. Since the very first Documentary type Bigfoot Film there was always an attachment of the Paranormal. They had to spend time talking about Ghosts, Dragons and Lochness Monsters. In the film "BigFoot the Mysterious Monster", they spend over 10 minutes just talking about the Loch Ness monster. In that same Film, they show a would be "Proud" Hoaxer named Ray Pickens, putting down Fake Tracks right before showing an explanation by Grover Krantz. By reinforcing the fact that all of Humanity is vulnerable to deception, right before a serious Scientific Synopsis, they discredit the Researcher. That Ladies and Gentlemen is a Psy-Op. People do come forward, and in 1980 when Mt. St. Helens exploded there were multiple witnesses, of the same event, that came forward to tell their story of finding Dead Sasquatch, and even one Alive and horribly burned, that was taken away by Military men in Black SUV's. The witnesses were sworn to secrecy under threat of Prison time if they spoke about what they had witnessed.


Ivan Marx, a man noted for his outrageous fake Bigfoot films and photos, worked for Disney Studios as an animal handler in Wildlife films, before he really "got into" BigFoot. Mrs. Marx sewed costumes for Disney Productions.

disney fbi files.jpg

From 1940 till his death in 1966 Walt Disney worked as an undercover FBI Agent for the Los Angeles Office. Now for his part Walt Disney gave J. Edgar Hoover access to all of the Disney Scripts before they were released, and he got to change whatever he felt should be changed. This was definitely a tool for propaganda. Hoover even allowed Disney to film in the FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C.; and what did they film there?

The Mickey Mouse Club ! All those child Actors; I'm sure it was all legitimate, and they didn't have too many Pizza parties !!

Disney was made a Full Special Agent Contact. As a Bureau contact, he reported on Actors, and screenwriters, and anybody in Hollywood circles that they wanted information on.

I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say, that at some point, while Ivan Marx worked for Disney Studios; he may have been approached by a man, dressed in a black suit, that made him an offer, he couldn't refuse. Marx was already a Bigfoot enthusiast at the time. When word of the Cripple foot BigFoot got out, Marx was the first "researcher" on the scene. He was already in place to invite other researchers to come; he even rented a trailer to Renee Dahinden to stay at, while he did his research.

Legend of BigFoot.jpg

In his movie "The Legend of BigFoot" Marx states that he ran out of money while searching for BigFoot, he left his Northern California Home for a job in Bossburg WA because he needed the money; while locals claimed, they never knew him to have a job. He just went about his business, whatever that was. The word around town was that at least a few people knew about this crippled Bigfoot before any researchers showed up. That Ivan Marx would leave Bernie California, where he was well established to move to a north Washington Ghost Town, for a Job that didn't exist; it all seems a bit Fishy. Rumors of specially trained hunting dogs, followed him wherever he went. Marx would go on to perpetuate multiple hoaxes, films and photos, and even once sold a film to Peter Byrne, that when run, only showed a dancing Mickey Mouse. There were two financial backers supporting the researchers; two camps, and Ivan Marx belonged to neither. He went back and forth between the two camps gathering information. When Ivan Marx finally left town. There was never another cripple foot track found again!


Flash forward to 2008 .. the Biggest hoax in the history of Bigfoot hoaxes. Who is at the center of it? Promoter Tom Biscardi who at the young age of 21 received his first National spotlight in Bigfoot Headlines. Biscardi to this day states that his Bigfoot tracking abilities were taught to him by none other than Ivan Marx himself.

Tom Biscardi 1973 Gene Findley.jpg

Did you ever wonder how a REPEATED HOAXER could get National Coverage on all the Major networks!

How deep down the Rabbit hole do you want to go? i'm taking a side tunnel out; it's nearly 3A.M. and if i wake my Wife up again she's liable to have me…. Well let's just say goodnight Folks.. until next time..


I've done thousands of hours of my own research. I know it's real.

Makes sense to me !!

RIP lloyd pye, if you know of any other hominid researcher that comes close to lloyd pye please let me know. the only thing about bigfoot that puzzles me is how the fuck they are managing to avoid the camera traps

Hey man... you can check out my YouTube Channel i have a few BigFoot Videos i did awhile ago... Thanks..

and drones LOL

The videos and pictures are all there....people just refuse it. (yes there are plenty of fakes....but the real deal is there)

hey i followed you , hope you have more posts on this subject :)

Fascinating! I tend not to believe cause I think a dead body would have been found by now. Someone would have shot and killed one, hit one with a car, etc. With the technology we have now it should be rather easy to find an 8 foot mammal but we cannot. I want bigfoot to exist however. Thank you---great post!

This post is one reason not to believe in Bigfoot.

How rude! My first post as a new Steemit user, it took me hours to to do the research and to make a good presentation. You just couldn't help yourself from being a negative troll. I sincerely hope you're NOT representative of the Steemit community.

It was just my way of saying I don't believe it. Im sorry for you that you took so hard. I hope you will have great time here:)

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Thank you… though it wasn't the response i was looking for.. are you a Robot / machine; or a flesh n blood Biotic?

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Great work, I know there are to many eye witness reports from people around the world seeing this creature - something is going on and it's grand adventure to seek bigfoot. Thank you for all your research.

Thank You !! I didn't think anyone would ever see this early post...