Bill Gates Invests 2 BILLION IN TECH STARTUP!! 11/06/2017

in #billgates7 years ago

Bill Gates Invests $2 Billion In Tech Startup
by Seth Fiegerman @sfiegerman Sunday, June 11, 2017
Bill Gates makes his biggest investment

Famous business magnate, founder of Microsoft and investor - Bill Gates with a cult-like following has invested enormous amount - $2,000,000,000 ( or 2 billion US dollars ) of his personal wealth in a tech startup called Rewfeed. He believes the technology this company has created has the potential to shake the worlds economy more than the industrial revolution ever did. With this major investment Bill now controls majority of shares in Rewfeed. So what is this Rewfeed?

Rewfeed is a software that plugs into all social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, VK, Tumblr, Pintrest, Myspace and more. Then they gather all the data - everything people are posting, sharing, saying and analyses it to determine if what they are saying is Positive or Negative. Whats the point you might ask? The point is to filter out only topics related to big publicly traded companies. And once you do that, you can determine if a company's stock is going to Fall or Rise!

Imagine recent public event of United Airlines. Rewfeed was able to notice the negative trend relating United Airlines on Social media and shorted the UA stock, profiting 15,922,551.98$ for it’s users. This is just one example, but there are more less noticeable trends happening every day and Rewfeed notices them automatically, so you don’t have to, and then they trade a stock accordingly, so you don’t have to. Result is over 87% successful trades which is more than any Wall Street trader has ever managed.

We interviewed Jason Clark - the creator of Rewfeed to ask all the questions you might have.
Can you tell us how Rewfeed works?
Rewfeed works like a team of spies. We have millions of automated robots that go on social media and gather real-time data - posts, images, text, videos and anything else people are publicly saying. Then we analyse all this data, looking for topics related to any publicly traded companies. Once we have a certain trending topic related to a big company, we analyse if the trend is Positive or Negative. If the trend is positive, we bet on the stock to rise, if the trend is negative - we bet on the stock to fall. It’s that simple.
How often does Rewfeed make a mistake?
Not that often at all. What people are saying on Social media is real, it’s there and it’s true, so we rarely make a mistake. We are still in Beta stage of our software, but it’s already showing over 87% successful trades. This means that out of 100 trades Rewfeed makes automatically, 87 will be profitable.
How much money can a regular user of Rewfeed make?
It depends a lot on the money they invest and the broker they work with. Let’s take the regular user who starts with 500$ and bets 20$ per trade. Over 24 hours Rewfeed will make around 200 trades based on trends on Social media. Around 174 of the trades will be profitable, and 26 will not. This means user will win approximately 3,480$ and lose around 520$. Evening out to 2,960$ profit in a single day. There are some small commissions added by the broker, but it’s usually less than 2%.
Has any user actually lost his investment?
No, we have never had a user who had lost his invested money. Even the worst cases we have had were always profitable in the end.
What improvements are you working on right now?
Right now we can only access information that people are publicly sharing on social media. Once we go out of Beta and make the Rewfeed available for anyone, we will ask our users permission to access their individual Newsfeeds. This will give us even more data to work with, making Rewfeed more accurate.
Individual Newsfeeds? Is it safe to give access to that?
It’s 100% safe. We simply ask for access monitor the newsfeed using automated systems. There is no risk of us posting anything or your behalf. And besides that, no real human will be reading your Newsfeed. It’s all just algorithms looking for keywords. We take privacy very seriously and will never take any risks to harm our users.
How much will it cost to use Rewfeed automated system?
We don’t know yet. But first 1,000 spots will be free. After that, for regular users, we are thinking of charging $10,000.00 monthly and hundred times as much for trading firms who wish to use Rewfeed. We do not want to disrupt the stock market too much so spots will be limited to 1,000 trading firms and 1,000,000 regular users.
When will Rewfeed be available?
Very soon. We are just adding finishing touches and first members will be welcome very soon. First we will open the doors for small traders - regular people, and only later for big trading firms. Again, first 1,000 people will get a lifetime membership for free.

After the interview Jason showed us Rewfeed in action. It was like seeing a real miracle for the first time. Jasons software was making money on autopilot. Jason was so confident in his Software that he offered to give us one free membership so we can run our own independent tests, and so we did.
Alex Woods, 24

We took one of our intern students Alex Woods and told him to sign up, following each step.

First step was fairly easy - he needed to fill in some details like name, last name, email and phone number. After the form was completed and submitted, he was taken to Rewfeed dashboard. Everything seemed pretty easy over there.

The next step was to fund the trading account with a trusted broker. The broker Rewfeed selected for Alex was BinaryTilt. As we were navigating to the deposit page, Alex received a phone call from BinaryTilt. It was his personal account manager wanting to assist funding process. With the help of account manager, funding process didn’t take long, as all major Credit Cards like VISA, MasterCard and American Express are accepted. Alex went ahead and deposited 250$. Once funded, we navigated to the “Auto Trader” section of software, set the trade amount to recommended 20$ and enabled it.

Rewfeed started making trades automatically in front of our eyes, winning most of them. We left it active for 23 hours and once we came back, Alex already had $2,592.37 in his account.

Alex wasn’t convinced. To make sure this was all real and not just some phoney numbers on the screen he requested a withdrawal of $2,500.00 to his bank account. This was fast and easy process as BinaryTilt is a thrusted broker. After 2 hours money was in his bank account! At this point Alex and us knew that it’s real.

We can’t wait for the software to go live. This will change lives of millions of people. Sometimes the things that seem too good to be true, are actually true.

The incredible has happened. Jasno has just notified us that Rewfeed is live! They are accepting first 1,000 members free of charge for life. He is even offering 250$ to trade with for free. This is literally free money! As of writing this, there are 937 spots left, but it won’t be long before all the spots are filled up with this once in a lifetime opportunity, so hurry up. Click the link below to sign up now.



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