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RE: Why users are using Mandala Exchange to trade on Binance with lower fees, no KYC (up to 2 BTC daily), additional trading pairs, and more!

in #binance2 years ago

It seems like you are fully aware of what seems like very dark entities, like bad sadistic characters concentrating power to themselves. I'm getting tired and just wrote a few long replies but this is really how I see it. Clear as day. You show your face, your name. You look like a nice normal guy to hang out with and have a beer and here you are weeded out.

There is only one solution and that is to expose what is going on here for all to see and let the dominos fall where they lay. Maybe you are all out of fight, but exposing them is the morally correct thing to do. More on this here from my response to this girl who just reached out to me about her nasty situation with the same group of sadistic offenders.

Just shine that light and let the good people know what they are involved with. That's all that can be done at this point.