I’ve Joined the Biohacking Cult

in #biohacking3 years ago


This little gem right here is the Oura ring, a health tool for nerds. It tracks your sleep stages, resting heart rate, heart rate variability, temperature and basic activity. It’s a Finnish based company that seems to have taken the health nut world by a storm in the recent year or so.

While I’m no health freak, I do believe that every one of us is responsible for our own health and monitoring it. No-one will know you like you know yourself. I find it extremely interesting to see data about how my body is doing.

I had been considering getting an apple watch but I don’t wear watches, they don’t suit my style and would be very annoying to wear at night, unlike this gorgeous ring which is a pleasure to wear 24/7. And since it’s a Finnish company, it’s designed to withstand even a sauna.

I’ve only had this ring for about a week so I’m very new to it and it will take time to establish all the base lines and see more clearly how my body works, but I’m so into it. Do note that this is not a fitness tracker and you can’t get your heart rate on demand, it only tracks it during sleep and rest. I don’t do much sports so I’m happy with the ring just counting my steps and then I can manually input other workouts to keep track of my overall activity.

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If you are interested, I can keep you guys updated after I’ve had the ring for a month or so.


OMG ME TO! I Got mine 1 week ago!! :D

No way!? Have you been liking it so far?

I originally ordered the silver one too but changed my order because I thought it would suit me better. So happy with my decision!

Yes! Its so amazing! My sleep is so bad, so I really needed a way to track it and this seems like the best way so far! So much information in this little thing and its stylish! :D

I also love the reminders, so good :D

Understandable! The Golden one looks amazing! I was wanted something a bit more subtle since I have never woren a piece of jewel before :D

This is interesting! I have been thinking about getting an Apple Watch to track running, that ring would be a nice extra. I will read more about this ring. I am always skeptical about new tech, but I hope it works well! Definitely, do post more about it! I am following you hoping to read more about that ring.

A healthy sceptisism is always welcomed, I did a lot of research before buying too. There are a few really good videos on youtube and interesting research data about how the sensors in Oura compare to traditional methods of tracking temperature etc.

That is exactly where I am skeptical, it looks so small and fine to be precise, compared to watches

Well I think it’s magic that you and I can communicate via these small little machines and over thousands of kilometres so I don’t question a ring being able to track my sleep 😄

Where does the data go?

It syncs up with the Oura app and then you can also use the web app where you can see the data better and compare graphs even better.

Cool gadget! Had no idea that ring health trackers existed; for sure, they're a lot more confortable to wear at night than a watch. Do keep us posted!

The tech is still pretty new but so so cool that they can fit all that stuff inside a nice ring. Will post more for sure! :)

Have you tried putting it into the fire?

No! My precious!

I like this lord of the rings biohack idea, because a smartwatch would be too uncomfortable for me to wear at night, but a ring could actually work. Smart concept. Looking forward to your health insights.

Definitely look into it if it’s something you might be in need of too. It’s a bit bulky for a ring but I actually find it to be really comfortable even when sleeping.

You even got the expensive golden one. I just got the silver one :P

Sounds like witch craft to me!

But I shall look forward to updates,nice nails by the way

Pretty sure it is witch craft but I’m all for it 😝 Thanks!

I've had mine for a few years now and think its worth it. It has been able to predict when I'm getting sick or over worked, and in the last year or so I have been able to take preventive measures (stop working so much and sleep more) and not get sick.

That’s awesome! How is the rings battery life after having it for years?

Pretty good for the first 2yrs and then it gets less than 5 days or so.

I have lost a couple days of sleep data over the last couple of months because I didn't check the battery level before bed. Now I throw it on the charger when I get to my desk for a bit a couple mornings a week and no issues.

What a great invention friend, thanks for sharing.