You Know How to remove plastic waste if don't then read this. #biotechnology

in #biotechnolgy6 years ago

You know that plastic waste is a global problem. There is a solution to this problem with the biotechnology. so what it is?
this is some bacteria which can release some enzyme which can degrade plastic waste. here is we start...

Ideonella sakaiensis is a bacterium from the genus Ideonella and family Comamonadaceae capable of breaking down PET plastic.
we may know that most of the plastic material is composed of PET the enzyme can release petase which can breakdown these PET so the plastic will degrade insitu. isn't coll..!! share your thoughts looking forward to your replies.


Can this be done at scale? And are there other downstream effects. Things like this are scary because it means releasing a lot of bacteria into the environment and often we don't understand the downstream impacts. Hopefully that is not the case here