
in #birds3 years ago

Hello Hivers, hello, friends.

How is the weather? How is winter going?

We've had frosts of 30 degrees Celsius all week.

Snowfall started yesterday, and nature is preparing for another wave of cold weather next week.

In frosts, I tried to put more food in the bird feeders, so that it would be easier for them to survive the frosts.

For this, the titmice thanked me with their posing for photos.

An interesting chickadee decided to show itself in all its glory. It has a blue furry patch on its head, not black like most of its relatives.


I take photos through the window, up to the feeder, about 3 meters.
This chickadee sat on the windowsill outside the window and looked at me. I began to take the camera in my hands and the bird got a little scared and flew off to a tree branch, about 1 meter from the window and continued to look at me.


A curious and fearless bird.


I was lucky that the street was well lit, the sun was shining, and the sky was clear. And today it is cloudy and snowy, so the pictures are not very colorful at this moment.



Clear sky to all of us


Привет, друзья.

Как у вас погода? Как идет зима?

У нас всю неделю были морозы по 30 градусов по Цельсию.

Вчера начался снегопад, природа готовится к очередной волне холода на следующей неделе.

В морозы я старался больше класть корма птицам в кормушки, чтоб им было легче пережить морозы.

За это синички благодарили меня своим позированием для фото.

Интересная синичка решила показать себя во всей красе. У неё на голове синее пушистое пятно, а не черное, как у большинства её сородичей.

Я делаю фотографии через окно, до кормушки, примерно, метра 3.
Эта синичка присела на подоконник за окном и смотрела на меня. Я стал брать фотоаппарат, птичка немного испугалась и отлетела на ветку дерева, примерно 1 метр от окна и продолжила смотреть на меня.

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Good luck and have fun


Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for upvotes, @qurator

Glorious pictures! So glad I came upon them in @shasta's blog.

Thank you very much for your comment, @apnigrich agmoore!