Daily Bird Photos - No. 12 ~ Anna's Hummingbirds ~

in #birds6 years ago (edited)

Tonight I have some photos from my backyard - Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna). All photos were taken with my Nikon D750 and Tamron 150-600mm lens.

In the first shot, we have a female in a cherry tree, puffed up to stay warm on a winter's day.

Next, we have a baby in the nest in the same tree. It's very difficult to spot the nest at the top of the tree. There are so many branches in the way, this was like shooting through a keyhole!


Female Anna in flight.


The Bonus Gif


Thanks for taking a look! You can click any of these images for a full-screen view.

Don't miss the previous editions of my bird photos!


Beautiful photos Keith and the bonus gid was just spot on. Wish we had humming birds here in the UK. I'd be feeding them daily :-)

Thank you! I wasn't aware you don't have these birds. Glad you liked enjoyed the gif, I like making those. :)

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these are some fantastic shots , love that last gif!

Thanks very much, glad you liked them :)

Remarkable photos @keithboone I am captivated by these adorable little birds and if I had them in my yard, I wouldn't get any work done. (lol) Taking them with me.

Thank you, Trudee! We do indeed spend some time watching the hummingbirds. I will see them come down to the feeder over and over... then I'll run inside to get my camera and they will disappear for hours. On occasion, I've had them swoop in and hover in front of me at eye level, just out of arm's reach. Their little wings beating so quickly make a delightful sound when they come close. I appreciate the share, Trudee, thanks again!

It must be a real treat to have the hummingbirds come so close Keith. And we are very lucky to get a close look at them here. You have great skill with your bird photography.

Well thank you, I don't know if it's skill or simply persistence. I take a lot of bird photos and keep very few. I enjoy shooting birds in flight, but at least 95% of the shots go straight into the trash can.

I think it is a bit of both Keith. Getting good bird shots can be frustrating as you never know when they are going to take off.....and therein lies the challenge. Very rewarding when you get the results you do I'm sure.

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