Wildlife : Birdwatching - 779 🐦

in #birdwatching4 years ago


✔️The common redpoll (Acanthis flammea)

These small birds arrive in the forests closest to the cities only with the onset of winter. In the rest of the year, they live in the tundra and coniferous taiga. With the arrival of cold weather, there is little food in these places, insects hide in plants, and plant food quickly disappears. Therefore, these birds are forced to roam the forests in search of food. They can often be seen and heard in city courtyards and parks.
They mainly explore the tops of trees, especially birch seeds, just like their closest relatives - siskins. By the way, sometimes they can be seen together, in the middle of a large flock of redpolls there may be several siskins.
In the first photo I managed to capture one of this bird that flew with the long-tailed rosefinch, which surprised me. I didn't know that these birds can be friends with other families of birds. They flew across the field in wormwood and thistle.
And in the second photo, this bird climbed inside a rotten tree and looked for food in it. At first I heard a rustling and thought that there was a mouse, but a redpoll jumped out from there.




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