BISS of May | Beetroot Burger Buns and Bean Patties

in #biss3 years ago


For the May #BISS, I made beetroot burgers, and to make them really soft and fluffy, I used a Japanese Tangzhong recipe.


Ingredients for Tangzhong:
  • 35 g of all purpose flour
  • 180 ml of plant based milk
Ingredients for beetroot burger buns:
  • 400 g of all purpose flour
  • 2 packages of dry yeast
  • 2 tablespoons of beetroot powder
  • 1 tablespoon of maple syrup
  • 1,5 teaspoon of salt
  • 160 ml of warm water
  • 40 ml of olive oil
Ingredients for vegan egg wash:
  • 1 teaspoon of maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon of yellow mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of plant based milk
Preparation of beetroot burger buns:
  1. First prepare Tangzhong. In a tall pan or a small pot, combine 180 ml of plant based milk and 35 g all purpose flour and whisk it well. Cook it over low heat, while whisking, until the mixture thickens up. This takes about a minute or two. When Tangzhong gets thick and smooth, take it off the heat and put it aside until it cools down to about 40⁰C.
  2. Combine all wet ingredients in small bowl and in another large bowl, combine dry ingredients and make a hole in the middle. Add Tangzhong in the hole and pour wet ingredients over it. Start mixing it with a wooden spoon and form a ball. Start kneading it with your hands on a floured surface. Cover it with a kitchen cloth or foil and put it in a warm place until it rises (about 20 minutes).
  3. Divide the dough into equal parts (I made 9) and form balls out of them. Place them on a baking tray, cover with a kitchen cloth and leave it to rise again in a warm place.
  4. Place the buns in preheated oven for 10 minutes.
    Meanwhile, make a vegan egg wash, combining maple syrup, yellow mustard and plant based milk. After 10 minutes, take the buns out of the oven and cover them with an egg wash. Place it back in the oven for about 8- 10 minutes.

Ingredients for bean patties:

  • 200 g of cooked beans (I used brown beans)
  • 2 small potatoes
  • 1.5 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika
  • 0.5 teaspoon of ground cumin
  • 0.5 teaspoon of onion powder
  • 0.5 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley
  • 3 tablespoons of flour
  • 30 g of bread crumbs
  • more breadcrumbs for covering the patties
  • 5 tablespoons of oil for frying
  1. Cook the potatoes and mash them together with beans.
  2. Add spices, herbs, flour and bread crumbs and mix it well. Place it aside for about 30 minutes, that the ingredients soaks together.
  3. Shape balls out of it, using more bread crums if needed, then flatten them with your hand and cover them with breadcrumbs.
  4. Fry it in oil on both sides.




You are a master at vegan baking. It sounds tasty and it also would wow anyone vegan or not, if they saw it. I wish I had one right now!

That's so nice to hear from my favourite vegan chef of the Hive! I'm blushing! 😊😊😊

Oh gosh now I'm blushing!!!!😌

I !LUV the color. Hope to cook this recipe soon. !PIZZA for you.

Thank you! I wish you happy baking! 😊



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Oh wow that’s looks amazing and absolutely delicious 🤤. Well done 👍

Thank you @sreypov! 😊😊😊

Wow, what a colorful beauty. I actually could smell the beetroot bread in the second picture... yummy yummy! Thanks a lot for your always powerful entries.

Thank you @mondoshawan!
This month I really had no time to cook, but I couldn't miss #BISS! I'm thankful for your amazing contest!

This is an awesome compliment, especially coming from you. Thanks a lot my friend from far away...

I haven't seen any recipes from you for a while, and this was worth the wait. Those buns are so colorful, they keep distracting me from the delicious burger in the middle. I love the spice blend for the veg burger too, sure this is full of flavor. Thanks for sharing this masterpiece with us.

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Thanks @justinparke! 😊
This month I was very busy with the gardening and also solving out some bureaucratic matters. I will soon find the time to write a post about it and to finally get back in the kitchen a bit.

Wowy @blackberryskunk, this is brilliant! Your creativity really astounds me, awesomeness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thats so kind of you @lizelle! 😊😊😊

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

I am growin beetroot as we speak, so I am keeping this one!

Beetroot deserves a big spot on the garden! Happy growing! 💚

Thanks friend!

It been a while I see u post. I have missed seeing your delicious and good looking meal. This looks amazing

I couldnt find anytime lately for cooking, but Im about to make a post explaning everything I did this month. I will sure find more time soon for creating new dishes! Thank you @mayorkeys!

I will always be expecting. You are welcome

Oh, I don't know. It sounds healthy but the color puts me off a bit.

It's interesting you said that. Many times our brain wouldn't recognize a certain dish as tasty or even edible and usually it is the color of it that we are not used to, that puts us off. I remember the first time that I saw black burger buns, the color didn't match my memory, my brain didn't recognize it as edible. After I ate it, I realized I was seeing the same burger now as tasty. And the recipes that we create and the food we crave for is all just coming out of our memories.
Thank you for your honest answer @cliffagreen! And its true, this color looks crazy 🤪

Color conditioning probably saved us at some point in our evolutionary past. Now we can make nutritious food of any color. I'll let you make me a beetroot burger sometime, so I can retrain myself. :) Glad to see a new post from you. How's the garden going?

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Bless up, @justinparke 💚

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Thanks for the info @luvshares!

Great stuff, the beetroot color is amazing in the bread!😀
I take 2 Burgers & some sweet potato fries, please..😉

Sweet potato fries would compliment this burger to the perfection! 😋


wow that looks freaking delicious

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