Bitcoin dropping? Here is the good news! (incl. the final answer to the question, when it will stop!)

in #bitcoin7 years ago


This is just a quick post, with the best news on Bitcoin you will hear today!!!

Bitcoin is dropping 1000US$ per day.

Here comes the good news:

At this rate, this can only happen 7 more days in a row!

So imagine, just one week from now, I can guarantee you, that Bitcoin will stop dropping!

Time to celebrate and buy some STEEM with the Fiat you have left.
Never forget: Here we play the music, while the titanic is sinking, and get paid for it!



Ha! Good perspective. Easy for me to say as I don't own Bitcoin. On Weds a friend is going to show me how to buy it and then, when it bottoms out, I'll be ready to step in! 😁

FYI Binance are now accepting STEEM as a deposit.
Setting up an account is free & anon.

Right, but why would you trade your hard earned STEEM for old cryptos that you can do nothing with? 🤔

Just to learn to trade?

Very good points! Well, with the markets at the moment, I prefer to have my STEEM locked up here and being able to earn (with) it, while everything is crashing. You are right, STEEM has issues and needs to develop - otherwise it will become the next BTC. Very true!

Well done you! I don't want to use any of my precious Steem though. Can I use GB pounds through Binance do you know?

You can set up the binance account = zero cost
you can then transfer just 1 or 2 steem to binance

Thanks for the info. I don't actually have 1 Steem at the moment. 😁 Helpful to know that Binance doesn't support FIAT though. Now I'm clearer about what I can and can't do with it. 😊

The perfect time to buy it!

I think the exchange from one monopoly currency to another is just the same game in the new cloak.

Every monopoly currency carries the risk of the market collapsing because a butterfly is moving its wings somewhere else.

I think it would be good if there is diversity and perhaps that is what SMT means. Each user represents his own currency, such as the "ERH" in my case.

When the day comes when I can purchase your services with "ERH" and you can purchase mine with your "ATMOS", we have the smartest system.

Or just call it "X" and it stands for all the transactions you can do in your life. I believe that hedging via matter, such as gold or silver, is completely obsolete. The only material security is the people themselves and not any metal.

The planet cannot surrender as much metal or physical materiality as there is currency in circulation. As I have read, we would need three planets or so to transform the equivalent into physical matter. So we're way past that.

In principle, the world I live in doesn't need to. We all have a warm home, energy, and ideas for living together. Instead of continuing to delude oneself into the illusion that you need a yacht, a Caribbean island and fans who envy you to live well, the currency could help pay for it in the real world. On the way there, it might turn out that this kind of wealth is actually not so attractive at all and that the encounters with people and the exchange of experiences is much more refreshing.

Thank you for this awesome point of view! Yes, this is a vision I can totally relate to.
The only thing is, that this vision of true decentralization (something that is supported by visionaries like Dan Larimer) is not yet a reality. People still need some marker or point of reference to compare value to.
In the end this is a matter of evolving our consciousness as a human species and the most radical transformation there is. I support that, but also see that it will take quite some time to make this a reality and we will still need alternative systems in place in this transition phase.

Ha! We certainly do live in 'interesting times'.

On a more technical point, could the fall of bitcoin totally rupture all logic, so that it's actually worth a negative amount?

Great idea & sign me up if it happens :-)

You had me up to the point where you believe that Bitcoin has a future 😂
I also believe in what you are saying and the market will quickly rebound, but Bitcoin is a dying technology that has done a lot for making blockchain technology known, but it´s slow, expensive and has no other use than sending funny money from A to B. I like to invest in technology that has a real life use for people. Like STEEM and EOS. Will BTC rebound - I guess so - but its real problems will still be the same.
The market has to become independent from BTC as soon as possible and the only way to make this possible is, that the exchanges start to offer alternative trading pairs.

I agree.
BTC is "dead" ie it's a 1st gen coin. It has paved the way.

It's going to be an interesting year.

Yeah, what we need is a better gateway currency into and out of crypto. The thing is, that I´m not a big believer into the "currency" part of crypto. For that to happen, there would be the need for less volatility and it would need to be a consensus about some crypto"currency" that is widely accepted - something even BTC didn´t manage to do over the past years. XRP is - as you rightly say - a trojan horse by banks and large corporations to come through the backdoor - nothing I´d like to support.
For me Crypto is basically the possibility to invest in interesting startups and much more like shares than currency.
Since I don´t demand to pay my coffee at Starbucks with my Apple shares, why would I pay there with crypto (also I would have to wait for an hour for confirmation and pay a 30USD fee for the transaction to miners, if I´d like to pay with BTC)
Gold backed crypto (or fiat backed) is already a reality with the smart cash system at bitshares - but nearly nobody is using it (or only very few)

For 6000+ years gold has been the basis of trade.
& Silver is the daily 'token' (to buy bread & milk)

So the question really is "What is money"?
Simply an easily transportable item to exchange for something else.

Steem is also a work/effort<>reward system = good thing.

If this is the case, will everybody be forced to pay for Bitcoin, even if they don´t want to buy or hold it? Imagine waking up and realizing, that you got 5 BTC in your wallet, that you don´t have bought and you have to pay for it, even if you don´t want it, just for holding it! This is where this is heading! 🤔

More that anyone holding bitcoin would now need to pay money to actually get rid of it. I guess I was thinking about negative interest rates and the like.

Do you think it will drop much lower I was thinking maybe 5-6k then it will go back up.

Considering it's at $6,451.06 right now, I wouldn't like to guess. Depends what effect the general stock-market rout has on it.

Ha, you bring up a very good point! I think people need to take the whole market into consideration when buying into cryptos right now. All the major financial indexes are all at or close to their all time highes, so is real estate, and most other assets. So, buying into any asset class right now you risk the correction when the rest of the market goes down, like we're seeing now. Might be best to sit on the sidelines for a while and see how things play out before jumping into anything just yet.

LOL! Refreshing Point of view! I must admit, I am a bit concerned. But I promised myself to only start panicking if it goes down to where it was a year ago.

So please enjoy your next panic free hour! 😂
(Sorry, I guess black humor is the only thing that´s left at the moment and it´s free!)

XD Maybe I will just ignore the charts and the news 'til next week. Or year.

The way my life is going at the moment bitcoin crashing seems quite trivial really.

You play the music I'll sit on the deck and sing along with you.

I really hope so because it is scaring the hell out of me, coupled with the fact that other coins are on the same trend.

Great vibes! Keep it up!!

I have btc and a bunch of other cryptos, but I expect the environment to change once we get past the bitfinex/tether issues. But all your eggs in one basket is never good in any investment and leaves you more likely to make poor spur of the moment decisions when that tanks.

Yeah, you are absolutely right.... unless your only basket is STEEM, which you can´t panic sell when powered up 😉

I hope so !! :))

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