CYBR project overview

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Hi everybody in the venture network of Crypto who have upheld my sites previously, today I composed this article to give you a task that is CYBR

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What's more, today I need to discuss CYBR as an incorporated system security answer for blockchain, ensuring secure exchanges by giving safety efforts and countermeasures.

Our reality does not stop but rather keeps pace with the occasions. New advancements and developments are rising. One of the developments is, obviously, the decentralized system. Concur with the decentralized system is exceptionally helpful to work, for instance, different battles and associations, as it takes care of an immense number of issues, and also disposes of the altering of individual information and different kinds of misrepresentation. Be that as it may, not all that basic. Anyway, there is the likelihood of a programmer assault. Since all things considered, in each system you can discover such an "escape clause" that can be split or evaded in different ways. Different crusades and crypto-trades and not just, consistently they lose a nice measure of cash because of fraudsters. Numerous precedents can be referred to: in January of this current year, the Coincheck crypto-trade endured a programmer assault and its harm added up to 534 million US dollars. Additionally, in 2014, Mt. Gox petitioned for financial protection, losing 750 thousand bitcoins. When all is said in done, there are numerous such precedents. To be in charge of the security of the blockchain, an undertaking was createdCYBR.

About the Project

CYBR is a bound together security arrangement with the most recent programming that is advanced to chip away at the blockchain. The fundamental errand of CYBR is to guarantee the security of crypto-wallets, exchanges and every single other activity that happen in the blockchain.

The originator of Shawn Key has tremendous involvement in cybersecurity and is credited with the title of "moral programmer". His crusade for a long time of work has accomplished extraordinary outcomes and has an amazing notoriety. Shawn Key saw relatively indistinguishable issues on the blockchain as in different cells of the internet. Subsequently, he chose to execute his product called the CYBR Ecosystem – BlindSpot in the blockchain.


CYBR is a summary of always growing data joined with programming that will be streamlined for the blockchain. CYBR is a security arrangement that will attempt to ensure wallets, savvy contract exchanges and related exercises that happen in the blockchain space. The CYBR biological system is driven by BlindSpot, a CYBR licensed security motor that recognizes and intrudes on the movement of unlawful and terrible performing artists that try to influence the secrecy, uprightness, and accessibility of cryptographic savvy contract exchanges.

Reasonable use of the CYBR.

All administration frameworks experience affirmation and accreditation. BlindSpot offers insurance of malevolent codes, both for security contemplations and for the required consistency. The rules found in NIST 800-53 Revisions 3+ Security necessities for framework uprightness, SI-3 Protection of malignant code, set up that components for assurance of pernicious code must be utilized at the purposes of passage and exit of the arrangement of data, including workstations, PCs and cell phones To identify and destroy vindictive code. BlindSpot's persistent observing and refreshing of its outstanding archive of malignant records give the required month to month and constant reevaluations of the documents. It additionally cautions the fitting workforce when a pernicious code is found, gives investigates conceivable vindictive documents, unlawful exercises and offers the catch up with brief reports of false positives (under 0.01 percent). BlindSpot enables associations to meet the required security prerequisites while guaranteeing proceeded with consistency.

BlindSpot: exclusive programming that sustains a conceivably borderless condition of risk recognizable proof.

Gateway: CYBR utilizes a constant family information feed not yet accessible to the overall population

CYBR Portal Product

The CYBR environment consolidates a web-based interface where clients of CYBR (the network) sign in to guarantee those protected and savvy exchanges are made. The entryway offers various capacities, including danger cautions, address, and site confirmation, token sending/getting, BlindSpot downloads and bolster that incorporates as often as possible made inquiries, and in addition access to the CYBR database of current, known dangers and rising This gateway gives defends continuously, countermeasures and knowledge dangers to the CYBR people group, and additionally different elements and encryption trades.

How does CYBR work?

The main technology is BlindSpot - this is software that ensures the security of a decentralized network. This software quickly finds disguised threats and suspicious actions from hackers and eliminates them. That allows the user of a PC, tablet or mobile device to prevent the theft of personal data and other troubles. BlindSpot constantly monitors the actions of files and programs and if there is any attempt to affect security and privacy, it is automatically stopped. In general, protection is enabled 24 hours a day.

In addition to the BlindSpot software, there is a web portal through which data is transferred online. The web portal has a number of functions: threat checking, community support, wallet information, and many others.

The CYBR project also has its own wallet with contact addresses. In simple terms, you can send your tokens to verified addresses. The wallet has an advantage - it recognizes your face and other biometric data. This is pretty simple and most secure since you will not need to enter your private key anywhere.

ICO Information

Token Symbol - CYBR
Standard - ERC20
Total number of CYBR tokens - 1 billion
Price for 1 CYBR token - $ 0.08
Price: 0.08 $
Accepting: ETH
Starting ICO: October 15, 2018
End of ICO: November 30, 2018
Softcap: $ 2,000,000
Hardcover: $ 15,000,000
The collection process is provided in the picture below:

Token distribution:

Public Tokens - 51%
Team CYBR - 15%
Founders of CYBR - 10%
Partners - 5%
Promotion - 3%
Consultants - 6%
Economic reserve - 10%

Use of proceeds:

Marketing - 20%
Partnership and Aso. License costs - 15%
Operating expenses (office rent, utilities) - 10%
G & A cost, overhead, and expense - 10%
Travel, accommodation, related expenses - 5%



The CYBR Ecosystem is an all-encompassing cybersecurity answer for the blockchain that ensures secure exchanges by giving countermeasures and safety efforts. So you ought to deliberately examine every one of the points of interest of the undertaking and choose whether to purchase your cards or not. To all the more likely comprehend the undertaking and choose, I prescribe that you think about the data in the connections beneath.


White paper:
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My Bitcointalk Username - moni_gram
My Bitcointalk profile -;u=1891571
My ETH address - 0xc02DEc14d6A3510e589D2087CA77be257385F9Fb