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RE: What percentage should you invest in each cryptocurrency to become a multi-millionaire? A winning index strategy (updated 8/24/2017)

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hello cryptostache,
I've been following this strategy since 2015. I used to trade actively but the stress, the lack of time with my family and lack of sleep was killing me. That got me interested in Ben Graham and Warren Buffet thoughts about passive indexing and I applied it, with the millionth of supply twist, to crypto. Let's just say I'm looking to retire at 40 thanks to this strategy, I'm 39. Active investing may be good for some younger people but not for me. Regards


BTW, great channel! Checking it out now, I didn't know about it, greatly undervalued. Following you too!

Hey thanks so much buddy! I have only been on steemit a little over a month. Trying to build something here.

I totally agree with you on a passive strategy, I am also trying to think long term as well. I am still amazed at how many people around me know NOTHING about Bitcoin or cryptos (which is of course why I stared my blog)!

Crazy times we are in right now, lots of shake up coming.